C h a p t e r 3 : Stranger Things

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C h a p t e r 3 : Stranger Things

My eyes fluttered open. I squinted my eyes as I felt a brightness shine directly on me. Am I dead?

Out of a sudden, I felt something soft hit the back of my head, I turned and saw a pillow. "What the hell?"

Then I realised that I was in my bed and Terri had just thrown her pillow at me.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost. Bad dream?" she asked, while munching on some chips.

I was dreaming?

Was that a dream?

I furrowed my eyebrows and then remembered the awful ending of my dream. Who the hell hit me like that? "Well yeah, a strange one..."

But it was weird at the same time because Elijah was in it, I mean like who the hell dreams of someone you just met? Especially when the first impression does not fit under the nice category.

"YOUR HOMEBOY IS BACK!" The door swings open and Chase walks in with a handful of beverages and snacks, followed by Regina, and Fletch.

"Why are you boys here, this is girls' territory." I said, immediately getting up to see what snacks they had brought.

"You can keep your girl's territory theory for those creepy goldilocks. We don't need it here." Chase said sarcastically.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who is goldilocks?"

Chase shook his head while looking at me. "Let Regina, be the honor to explain that for you." Then he walks away to the kitchen.

I am getting more confused here. I looked at Regina who is currently sitting on the couch and I decided to join her, I crossed my legs on the couch and turned to face her. "Okay, what and who is goldilocks? And why is it creepy?"

Regina raises her brow and exhales. "Alright so, last year. The first day of registration day, I sent Chase off here, because our parents could not make it, dealing with some business trip." she said, rolling her eyes. "So anyway, on the first day, I bumped into goldilocks a.k.a Annie Sanders."

"And then?" I asked, urging her to continue.

"So, my first impression was her goldilocks hair you know, so thick and messy." Regina said, nodding her head.

She continues to explain. "But she was so weird. Because when Chase and I headed to find his dorm, we saw her talking to herself in the lobby. We did not hear what she was saying but as soon as she felt our presence she ran away while chanting 'girls' territory'."

"And it doesn't stop." Chase walks out of the kitchen with sodas and places them on the table. "After Reg followed me to my room, immediately when she left, I heard the chant again, turns out she was just next door to me. I got freaked out man."

Fletch laughed and threw the cushion pillow at Chase. "You're just being a pussy, he had to call Regina every night to explain to her the story of that creepy girl next door, but Elijah would be the one calming him down."

I cooed. "Aww! Sibling goals." Which earned a punch on my arm from Regina.

Terri walked in my direction and took a seat next to me on the couch. "So why are you guys here today?" she asked, opening a bag of lay chips.

Chase cleared his throat while scratching the back of his neck. "Well, you see... Elijah isn't around for now and we got scared-"

"You got scared." Fletch interrupted, correcting Chase.

Chase rolled his eyes. "Whatever man, one day you'll know how creepy she is. Anyways can we stay the night for today pleaseee?"

"Why are you so afraid of her? She's Annie, not Annabelle. And we stay on the same block so if there's anything creepy you can call us." Terri exclaimed.

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