Hank takes in a 2 year old girl

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"Patrol 21-13 we got a domestic violence call at 2161 Morris street" Dispatch called out.
"21-13 taking that call, we're bout 5 minutes out" Hank Voight said with his partner Alvin Olinsky.
"Copy that 21-13,"
Hank and Al get there and the first thing they see is a dude laying on the kitchen unconscious and a women standing over him holding a bloody pan. Al arrests the women, who they find out to be Barbara "Bunny" Fletcher, and then the paramedics come in the get Johnny, the dude on the floor. While all that is going on Hank goes around the rest of the house making sure there were no more people. When he opens the very last door he sees a pink room with a bunch of toys, he shines his flashlight at a bed, and what he sees surprises him. It's a little girl, sitting up hugging her teddy.
"Hi, I'm Hank. What's your name?"Hank asked the scared little girl.
"Erin,"the little girl said barely comprehendible.
"Come on Erin, I'm gonna get you out of here, ok?" Hank said holding out his hand.
"Ok," Erin said grabbing a hold of Hank.
Hank walks her outside and puts her in the ambo to get checked out and the chief comes over to tell Hank to put the girl in foster care. Hank refuses and goes back to Erin to get her and take her home with him. Knowing that Camille has always wanted a daughter after she had a miscarriage with Justin's twin. And he knew Justin would get to love her eventually.
"Come on Erin, wanna go home? With me?"Hank said calmly.
"Yes!!"Erin said enthusiastically jumping down.
Hank helped buckle Erin in his car, thinking I'm gonna have to get a booster seat again. When they got home Erin was the first out of the car. Hank picked Erin up and they walked to the front door together. When Hank opened the door his son Justin came running up to him and so did his wife Camille. But before they could give him a hug like normally they stop in front of him, just looking at Erin and then at Hank.
Finally Camille broke the silence, " Who's this Hank?"
"This is Erin. We responded to a domestic violence call and I found Erin in her room, scared half to death, so I took instead of taking her to foster care." Hank explained.
"How old is she?" Camille asked.
"Only 2," Hank answered.
"Hi Erin," Camille said coming near the 2 year old.
"Erin this is Camille, your new mom, and this is Justin, he's 4," Hank said to the scared 2 year old.
"Hi," Erin said.
After 2 weeks of Erin living at the Voights' she finally started talking more and she just feels like she has lived here her whole life.

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