I wanna know!!

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A/N sorry it's been soooooo long since I've updated, but school just ended and my parents didn't like my math grade, (F), so they took my phone. I'm back now tho, and I'll try to update the story a lot more. Thanks, let's get going tho, waited long enough.
" Hey, um, Erin, What did you get for #23?" Kim asked doing math.
"Uhhhh.... 427," Erin responded, knowing she was probably wrong cause math was her worst subject.
"Oh, I got 579," Kim also said.
"Oh, well, your probably right!" Erin said erasing her answer.
" oh, um, ok, but I suck at math too!!" Kim said laughing making Erin laugh along.
" Erin!! Dinner is ready!!" Camille yelled from downstairs.
"Okay!" Erin yelled back.
"Alright well bye Erin see ya at school tomorrow!!" Kim said waving bye.
"Yeah, bye Kim!!" Erin yelled back.
"Okay, Erin, go get it," Camille said as soon as Kim left.
"Go get what? I have no idea what your talking about!" Erin said slowing walking away.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Now go get that math test." Camille said grabbing Erin.
"Ugh!!! Fineeeeee!!!!!" Erin said stomping up the stairs.
"Another D. Why Erin?" Camille said disappointed.
"What happened was.... ummm..... I..... just stink at math!" Erin answered trying to come up with an excuse but failed.
"Well, get better and study more or I will tell dad and you know he will be more strict," Camille said feeling sympathy for her daughter cause she too sucks at math.
"Really!! Your not going to tell dad?!?!?!" Erin said all excited.
"There are just some things that your father doesn't need to know about," Camille said winking.
*beep beep*
"Okay that's his car, hurry!!" Camille said pushing her towards the stairs, "and remember next time I will tell your dad,"
"Tell me what?" Hank asked when he opened the door.
"Oh, um, just say how much me and the kids miss you!!" Camille said giving her husband a hug.
"Oh, okay, I missed you too!" Hank said hugging back, "And by the way, I will figure out what your hiding. You can't keep anything from me Camille Marie Voight!!"
"Right, you will find out. But by yourself, okay?" Camille said walking away.
"Erin come for dinner!!" Justin yelled
"Yeah coming!!" Erin yelled back.
The Voight family ate dinner and towards the end of dinner things got bad-ish.
"So, who was my mom?" Erin asked.
"Not telling you. Your not old enough," Hank responded.
"But I'm 13!! Not a baby!!!" Erin whined.
"But your screaming makes you sound like a baby!" Hank yelled back.
"Ugh!!!! I just wanna know!!!! God!!!!!" Erin yelled running up the stairs and slamming her bedroom door.
"Hank!! Hank! HANK!!!! Your not going up there just to yell. Let yourself and her cool down," Camille said calmly coaxing Hank to the couch.
*15 minutes later*
"Erin, I'm coming in," Hank said running into the locked door, "Erin unlock this door right now or I swear I will take it off its hinges!!"
"Ugh! Fine!!" Erin said unlocking her stupid door.
"This door remains unlocked at all times, understand?" Hank said serious.
"It's my room, jeez!" Erin sassed.
"Well, it's my house!!" Hank yelled.
"Whatever," Erin rolled her eyes.
"Ok, so you are not finding out about bunny till you are older," Hank stated.
"Why? And Bunny?" Erin asked.
"Bunny is what everyone calls her, and no cause it's not something kids should be into," Hank said.
"Well, I'm old enough!" Erin fought.
"No, I know your not cause your fighting instead of excepting it," Hank reasoned.
"Okay, fine, I'll wait," Erin surrendered.
"Umm... yeah, okay," Hank said suspicious cause normally she fights.
"Yep!!" Erin said plotting her plan.
"Yeah, well stay up here for the rest of the night," Hank said leaving.
"Wait!! What!?!? What?!?!?!" Erin screamed.
"Cause of what happened at dinner," Hank said leaving again, "Goodnight!"
"Ugh!!" Erin moaned throwing her school binder at the door right when Hank closed it.
*Next Morning*
"Okay, Erin, Justin, your dad is at work and I'm going outside. Stay here," Camille told her 2 kids.
"Yeah, whatever," Erin and Justin said in unison on their phones.
"Well, I'm going to my room," Erin got up.
"Ok, and why should I care?" Justin looked up.
As Erin was walking instead of going to her room she walked into Hank's office, knowing that it was off limits to anybody, except with permission. But it was an emergency, she just had to know about her mom!! As Erin was looking through all of her dad's file she finally found one titled, Lindsay, Erin, she picked it up and saw the adoption papers for her and Camille and that all of Bunny's parental rights were taken away. After all the papers of her she finally got to her mom. She knew she couldn't take the folder to her room. So Erin took a picture of Bunny's address. Right when she was leaving, Justin walked by.
"What are you doing in here?" Justin looked at his sister knowing she was going to be in BIG trouble.
"I'm not. What are you doing in here?" Erin said right away.
"Umm, I can clearly see who is and isn't in here," Justin said as Erin pulled him in and went out.
"See told you!!" Erin mocked.
"I'm telling dad!!" Justin said.
"Fine, if you tell dad about this, I'll tell dad that you did skip school and the school didn't make a mistake," Erin blackmailed her brother.
"Oh my god Erin, fineeeee!!" Justin groaned.
"Perfect!!" Erin skipped innocently away.
"So, how was your day, Erin?" Hank asked trying to make a conversation.
"Same as always I guess," Erin mumbled.
"Okay... how bout you, Justin?" Hank moved on.
"Same, I guess," Justin rolled his eyes.
"Okay, well I know my wife will talk to me!!" Hank smiled.
"I had a good day. Went outside did some gardening, got some groceries, and then had me time, kinda," Camille answered.
"I can tell you Erin's day!!" Justin said betraying Erin.
"No, he can't!!" Erin tried stopping him.
"She went into your office!" Justin decided to tell not caring if he too got in trouble.
"Well, last week Justin did skip school!!" Erin retaliated.
"Eh, worth it!" Justin shrugged.
"Justin, go to your room for the rest of the night!" Hank scolded.
"I think I'll go too!" Erin said getting up.
"No, sit, I wanna talk first," Hank said pointing to her chair.
"Why were you in my office?" Hank questioned.
"Oh, well, you know, just... things..." Erin clapped her hands together.
"You were looking up Bunny, weren't you?" Hank gave her "the look"
"Whatttttt????? No, of course not...." Erin smiled innocently.
Hank just stared at her.
"Okay, I did. But I just wanna know and you won't tell me anything!!" Erin yelled.
"Cause your not READY!!!" Hank yelled back getting up.
"UGH!!!!!!!!" Erin moaned running up to her room and slamming her door, not locking it.
"GOODNIGHT!!!!" Hank yelled to both his kids.
*2 hours later*
"Goodnight kids," Camille softly knocked on Justin and Erin' s doors.
It was the next morning. Erin, Justin, Camille, and Hank were all eating breakfast.
"Oh no!! You guys gotta get going or you'll be late," Camille said grabbing Erin and Justin's backpacks.
"Yeah, she's right," Hank said getting his kids out the door.
The ride to school was quiet. Erin just looked out the window, still mad at Hank for not telling her about her dad. And Justin was basically asleep in the back. They finally got to the high school, Justin's school. 5 minutes later they were at the middle school.
"Bye Erin!! Have a good day! And remember Al is gonna pick you up," Hank tried to get his daughter to talk to him.
Erin just nodded and waved bye.
"Hey, Erin! What's up?" Kim asked.
"Nothing much. But after lunch I need you to cover for me," Erin said.
"Okay, whyyy?" Kim asked.
"Because I found where my mom lives and after lunch I'm going to see her, but I need you to cover me so no one finds out," Erin explained.
"Okay. But why can't you go after school?" Kim asked.
"Because after school Al is picking me up cause I'm grounded and have to go to the district," Erin explained.
"Grounded? Again? What did you do?" Kim asked.
"Went into my dad's office, that's how I found where my mom lives. And I also screamed at my dad for not telling me," Erin explained.
"Wow. Well okay I'll cover you," Kim agreed.
"Thanks!!" Erin said walking away cause she had 2 minutes to get to the other aside of the school where her class was.
After Lunch
"Okay, well, I'm going to go!" Erin waved bye.
Erin walked out of school and got in a cab going to the South Side of Chicago. Erin always hated this part of Chicago. When she is with her parents she is scared, but knows she's safe. 1 cause she's with her family and 2 cause she's in a car. Erin looked across the street and saw a few people staring at her, watching her walk. When Erin walked faster they started walking to the other side of the sidewalk. She thought they were still following her, but they must've turned into a building cause they are gone, so she slowed down. She finally got to the apartment where her mom lived. It was an old, broken building. It had lots of cracks (no pun intended😂) and looked like it was built like 100 years ago. She went inside and it stunk of mold and old lady (don't ask). She was half way down the hall when she heard a familiar voice, a voice she did NOT want to hear, her dad, Hank Voight.
"And why do you think you're going?" Hank asked sternly.
"Ummm......sleep walking...." Erin tried an excuse, she's not good at.
"It's daytime, and you should be at school," Hank uncovered.
"Exactly why I would be sleep walking, boring school equals sleeping Erin," Erin laughed and turned around.
"Haha, that's funny, but not really," Hank said walking up to Erin to lead her out.
"How did you even find me?" Erin asked when they got outside.
"When a kid skips her afternoon classes, the school calls parents," Hank said looking at his daughter.
"Damn, forgot about that part!!" Erin thought, more like scolded, to herself.
"Look who I got!" Hank said when they got home and Justin smirked.
"Oh my god!! Erin!! Are you okay?" Camille said going to hug her daughter, but ran upstairs.
"Hey!! Get back down here!!!" Hank yelled.
"Hank don't go yelling at her!" Camille stopped her husband.
"What? Let me go!!" Hank said.
"No. If you go up there yelling at her you'll just push her away," Camille explained.
"So your not mad?" Hank asked.
"Oh yes. Yes I am mad. She knows better than to cut school and go to the South Side all by herself. And for now answer her questions and then ground her," Camille said always being the one to never be mad and yell.
Knock knock. "Erin, I'm coming in," Hank said opening the door.
"Okay, move over," Hank said.
"Why?" Erin said looking up.
"Don't be sassy, now is not the time," Hank said as Erin moved over on her bed.
"Okay, ask me any question," Hank said.
"About Bunny?" Erin asked.
"Yes, only 1, so make it good," Hank said.
"But I have more than 1!!" Erin whined.
Hank just rolled his eyes at her.
"Fineeeee!! Why did she give me away?" Erin agreed and asked.
"Well, she didn't really give you away. You were 2 years old and she just killed her boyfriend and I found you in your room so I took you to protect you," Hank explained.
"How does it always come back to that? Protect me?? Blah blah blah!" Erin sassed.
"Well, you asked, I answered, you sassed, so there we are done," Hank said getting up.
"Fineeeee!!" Erin said picking up her phone.
"Now your grounded for 1 month. You will not be able to go to your friends or leave the yard. And after school either me, your mom, or Al will be picking you up from school," Hank explained to Erin.
"Ugh!! That's not fair!!!" Erin sassed as always.
"Don't argue or I'll add another month," Hank warned.
"Ok, a month. Sounds good!!" Erin agreed with a smile.
"Alright stay up here for the rest of the night," Hank said closing the door.

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