I Don't know how it happend!!!

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A/N so, this may be my last chapter to this story, cause I wasn't sure what to write. Like literally it took me forever to come up with this story. All my other chapters I came up with right away. So I am asking you to please comment any suggestions for possible chapters, I'll give you a shoutout. The chapters can be from anything like Erin becoming a cop, Erin getting into Intelligence, Erin meeting Jay, or anything where Erin or Justin or another character is young. Just realized I just came up with a bunch of suggestions myself😂but I'd still love to hear your opinions. Thank you 😊 and let's get reading!!🙂🙃
"Mom, dad, me and Tommy are going to the movies," Justin yelled grabbing his keys.
"Okay, sweetie be home right after the movie and be safe," Camille said from the other room.
"Yeah, I will," Justin said walking out the door.
Justin and Tommy went and saw Star Wars. The movie was done in like 2 and a 1/2 hours and their older friend, who is 23, called Justin and asked him if he and Tommy would like to go to Game Day, the best bar in Chicago, stupidly Justin said yes and went. Justin had 4 beers and was buzzed. Their 23 year old friend, Parker, told Justin to go home and grab Tommy, seeing that both were as drunk as drunk could be, he or no one else offered them a ride. Justin got behind the wheel, that was mistake number 1. Justin checked his phone and saw 59 texts from his mom, 61 from his dad, and 3 from Erin, Justin then texted to them all, "On my way home", that was mistake 2. Right after we texted his family and put his phone down, he noticed the light was red, but it was too late, he had already hit the car crossing the interception. 3 strikes, you're out!! Tommy was unconscious, barely breathing. Justin was having trouble staying conscious, right before he fell under, he saw ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars coming. After that everything went black...
"Sir, sir, can you here me?" Justin heard paramedics ask him as he blinked his eyes.
A police officer came over and got Justin out of the car and did a DUI test on him. He failed all the tests. The officer then placed Justin under arrest for, felony DUI and vehicular homicide. The got to the District and Justin got his fingerprints and mugshot taken and then he went into a cell to get sober.
Back at Voights' House
"Justin!! Justin!!!!" Hank yelled.
"Hank, why are you yelling?" Camille asked coming down the stairs with Erin behind her.
"Yeah, dad, its summer," Erin agreed with her mom.
"Justin never cam home last night," Hank explained.
"Umm... I think I found him," Erin said showing her dad her phone.
"Yeah, that does look like Justin, but he can't drink," Camille said.
"Really, mom, there are kids in my class who drink, I'm pretty sure there will be kids in Justin's class that drinks," Erin said putting her phone down.
"Yeah, but Justin doesn't," Camille contradicted.
"It's called peer pressure, mom..." Erin rolled her eyes.
"I'm going to get Justin," Hank said running out the door.
At the District
"Trudy!! Oh my God!!! Trudy!!! Where is my son???" Hank rushed in.
"Hank, Hank, calm down, Justin is in lockup. But Hank do you know what happened?" Trudy asked.
"I do," Hank rushed back to the jail cells.
"Justin, oh my god!!! What the hell happened?" Hank yelled.
"I don't remember," Justin cried.
"What do you remember?" Hank asked softly.
"Umm... Tommy and I left a restaurant or something and then there was a car and everything went black. They're saying Tommy is dead, is that true, dad?" Justin asked.
"Yes, son," Hank responded.
After they were done talking another officer came in and Hank asked what was going to happen. He said Justin would have to go to jail for 15 months since he was drinking alcohol and killed people. Justin heard everything and started sobbing in the corner. And that's when Hank got all defensive for his son.
"NO!!!" Hank yelled grabbing the officers keys and getting him out.
"Umm... you can't do that," The officer said grabbing Justin and taking him to court to get him into Statesville.
Hank left right after that to go to his family. When Hank got home, he saw Camille lying on the couch barely breathing.
"Oh my god!! Camille what happened??" Hank said dialing 911.
"I don't know. I was just sitting here and all of a sudden I couldn't breath," Camille responded.
"Do you think it's your cancer acting up again?" Hank asked worrying that he was bout to lose his son and wife.
The paramedics arrived and they got Camille on a stretcher and Hank went to get Erin from her room and they all rode in the ambulance. When they got to Chicago Med they immediately took Camille into the back and left Erin and Hank to wait out in the living room. About 3 hours later Camille was finally done with her surgery and Hank and Erin went back to her room.
"Can I speak to you a second?" Doctor Rhodes (Ik not right timeline, but it just kinda came out😂) asked Hank.
Hank got up and walked into the hall with Rhodes.
"So, your wife is seriously hurt," Rhodes said.
"Will she ever get better?" Hank asked.
"Mostly likely no. She has 2 weeks to live at the most," Rhodes said.
Hank just slid down the wall crying, Erin watching him.
"Your really sick aren't you? Like worst than we thought?" Erin looked at her mom.
"Yes. The doctor said I have 2 weeks left," Camille said hugging Erin.
"But you can't die. And I'm not just saying that for me and dad. I'm saying that cause Justin is in jail for 15 months," Erin started crying.
"She heard," Hank said walking in.
"No, she saw you crying out there and she placed 2 and 2 together," Camille said crying too.
2 weeks later
Camille is dead. Justin is in jail. Hank threatened a firefighter. And Erin just sobs and sobs.
"Hank Voight, your under arrest," Officer Whatever said.
"May I ask what for?" Hank said putting his hands behind his back.
"Threatening that firefighter," Whatever said.
All this was happening and as they took Hank outside he looked over at the steps and saw Erin, sitting there crying even more.
"Don't worry, we'll take care of your daughter," Whatever told Hank.
"NO!! You don't go near her. Erin go to Al's. Go now, I'll see you soon!" Hank said crying as Erin ran out the door also crying holding her teddy.
"Al Al Al!!! Open!!" Erin banged on the door.
"Erin what's wrong?" Al asked hugging Erin.
"Dad was arrested!!" Erin said crying.
"Did he say come here?" Al asked.
Erin nodded.

A/N I'm going to end the story there. I kinda added Chicago Fire season 1 into the end, but oh well. I'm thinking about doing a Chicago Fire story next, but what do you guys think I should do next? And how'd ya like this one? Keep in mind that this was my first story pls. Well, till next time y'all.

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