Middle School Can Be Hard

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"Justin, Erin, wake up. It's the first day of school!!" Camille yelled at the bottom of the stairs.
"Coming!!" Justin moaned.
"Erin, come on. It's your first day of sixth grade," Hank said pulling her out of bed.
"Come get me when it's the last day of school!!" Erin moaned.
"Haha very funny, Erin. Now seriously get up," Hank said pulling her up.
"Ugh.... finnnneeeee!!!" Erin moaned again.
"Look who I got up," Hank said.
"Well, it's too late for you to eat pancakes, so just eat this banana in the car, now go both of you!!" Camille said pushing all 3 of us out the door waving bye.
Hank got in the car with Justin and Erin and drove them to school. They were all silent in the car to school. Justin was daydreaming out the window, Erin was still asleep pretty much, and Hank just didn't want to bug his kids in the morning.
"Your banana gone, Erin?" Hank asked making sure she finished her breakfast.
"Yes," Erin responded.
"Good. We're here. Justin, Erin, have a good day at school, don't get in trouble. And also Justin you've been here since 6th grade and no one helped you around I know, but Erin is new to this school and it's big, so if she doesn't know where one of her classes are could you help her out?" Hank said hoping his older kid would help out his younger one.
"Yeah, sure, whatever, dad," Justin agreed.
"Bye, dad!!" Erin said ready for middle school.
"Okay, well, see ya later!" Justin said running off to his friends.
"Hey, you promised dad you'll show me around!!" Erin yelled as he ran away.
"Oh my god!! Erin!!" Kim yelled running to give Erin a hug.
"Thank god Kim!! Do yuh know where our first hour is? Cause I have no clue." Erin laughed.
"I think. Let's go!" Kim said taking Erin's hand to guide her.
As Erin and Kim were walking they ran into their other friends, Jay, Adam, Kevin, Hailey, and Sean, and lucky them they all had the exact same schedule. But as hey we're 2 girls, 8th graders, came up behind the innocent 6th graders and pushed Erin and Kim. The only thing they thought was, why just Erin and Kim, we didn't do anything to these girls, they didn't even know them. Those 2 girls kept on following them the whole day and pushing and calling them names. None of the kids said anything cause they're bigger and could hurt them, so they didn't take the chance.
"It's the end of the day, Kim, do you see them?" Erin asked nervously.
"No!" Kim said relived, "Wait, run, here they come!!"
Erin and Kim ran all the way home. They lived right across the street from each other, so they said bye and Kim ran into her house and locked the door and ran up to her room with out saying hi to her mom and dad. Erin did the same. Camille tried to say hi, but was too late. So she went upstairs to see Erin, but her door was locked.
"Erin!! Open the door please," Camille said calmly.
"I don't wanna talk!!" Erin replied.
"Fine, I'll just wait for your dad to come home!" Camille rebutted, going downstairs.
*Hank comes home*
"Hank! Glad your home. Erin ran upstairs and locked her door," Camille explained to her husband, who immediately ran upstairs without saying anything else.
"Erin Lindsay-Voight!! Open this door right now!! Or I swear to God I will take it down!!" Hank banged and screamed.
"Ughhh!!! Fineeee!!!" Erin sassed.
"Don't be sassy with me," Hank said serious.
"It's my room!" Erin sassed again.
"It's MY house!" Hank rebutted.
"Whatever," Erin said sitting on her bed.
"Now, Erin, why did you come to your room after school?" Camille asked calmly.
"I dunno," Erin shrugged walking over to her desk.
"Well, did you have a good day at school?" Hank asked walking over to Erin.
"I don't wanna talk about school!!" Erin cried laying her head on her desk.
"Hey, just te------" Hank got cut off my Camille.
"Okay. We'll talk later, Erin. I'll call you down when dinner is ready. Hank let's go," Camille said leaving Erin alone.
"Camille! Why did you do that? Obviously something happened at school!!" Hank said frustrated.
"I know. But clearly she won't tell us. So let's ask Justin," Camille said opening Justin's door.
"Hey, bud! Do you know what happened at school with Erin?" Hank asked right away.
"Why?" Justin questioned.
"Cause she is in her room about crying," Camille replied.
"Ohhhh!! Those girls actually do make 6th graders cry," Justin said having an Ah-ha moment.
"What girls? What do they do?" Hank asked fast.
"Melody James and Brooke Davis. 2 8th graders. Last year in 7th they picked on 2 6th graders and now that they are in 7th I guess they went on to Erin and Kim," Justin explained playing his phone.
"Wait, how do you know Kim too?" Camille asked.
"Heard them talking," Justin said.
" I'm going to call Kim's mom," Camille said walking out the door.
"Good idea. I'll go talk to Erin again," Hank said leaving too.
"Hey, Erin, I know what happened at school," Hank said sympathy.
"How?" Erin said lifting her head from her phone.
"Justin told me about those 2 girls picking on you and Kim," Hank explained.
"Oh," Erin said.
"Wanna talk about it?" Hank said hugging Erin.
"No. Not really," Erin said still hugging him.
"Well, I just wanna say,your mom called Kim's mom and we will talk to the principal about this," Hank said comforting her.
"Okay," Erin said laying down.
*Next Day*
"Okay, Justin, Erin, lets go," Hank directed his kids out.
"Is Kim's mom here too?" Erin asked.
"No. Kim's mom had to go to work, so she dropped Kim off in the office and told me to speak in her behalf too," Hank explained.
"Hi, Hank, so I heard a couple 8th graders are picking on these 2," Mr.Martin said.
"Yes, girls what did they do?" Hank said wanting Erin and Kim to explain.
"They pushed and chased us mostly," Kim said.
"Alright, who are they?" Mr.Martin asked.
"Brooke Davis and Melody James," Erin said.
"Okay, they will get a 2 week suspension," Mr.Martin confirmed.

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