Part 17 - Hot Summer Day

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You wake up usual morning with (y/d/n) scratching at the door, you get up and you realise how sunny it was, it was also quite warm so you let (y/d/n) out the door and you head to the kitchen, when you get there you see medic eating his breakfast
"hello liebste" medic says
"hello mom" you say and you let (y/d/n) out the back
"it's going to be quite hot today so before you go out, you need to put sunscreen on" medic says
"ok mom, does (y/d/n) need some on?" you ask
"(he/she) doesn't need sunscreen, dogs have their fur to protect them" medic says
"ok" you say as (y/d/n) comes back in the house
you then feed (y/d/n) (his/her) breakfast, then have your breakfast, after breakfast you were about to leave when sniper comes in though the back door
"hello sweetheart" sniper says walking over to you
"hi dad, why were you outside?" you ask after giving sniper a hug
"if you want to know, go and get your swimming costume on" sniper says
you then bolt away to go and get changed, (y/d/n) was confused why you bolted away without (him/her) but then sniper pick (him/her) up and both of them go out the back, when sniper get to the back, he puts (y/d/n) down near a paddling pool, (y/d/n) looks at the paddling pool
"do you like water (y/d/n)" sniper asks
(y/d/n) puts (his/her) paw in the paddling pool and since it was quite warm weather the pool was cool so (y/d/n) jumps in and lies in the pool
"hehe i'm guessing that's a yes" sniper says and rubs (y/d/n) on the head, (y/d/n) then smelled snipers fingers and licked one of his fingers, you then come out in your swimming costume and see the paddling pool with (y/d/n) in it
"oh a pool, with (y/d/n) in it" you say and sniper goes over to a decchair he set up and sits in it
"uff" (y/d/n) says and licks your face
"ok move over so i can get in" you say to (y/d/n), the puppy moves over and you get in, the water is so nice and you with (y/d/n) play in the pool while sniper is in his decchair sunbathing
a few mintures later, medic comes out with some sunscreen and put it on you
"there you go liebste, now you won't get sunburnt" medic says finishing putting sunscreen on you
"thanks mom" you say and carry on playing in the pool with (y/d/n), medic then smiled, got up and started walking back
"why don't you stay out here and enjoy the sun" sniper says to medic
medic looks at sniper who is lying in his decchair and lifting his hat up to look at medic, medic looks at you then back at sniper
"...alright" medic says and he grabs a decchair and put it next to sniper, he lie down and closes his eyes enjoying the sun, sniper looks at medic, smiles and puts his hat over his eyes again
you were still in the pool with (y/d/n) when (y/d/n) decides to have enough and go over to sniper and medic to have a nap, you watch (y/d/n) go over to sniper and medic and you decide to sunbathe too, you go over to where the decchair are and you see a kid decchair, you grab it and put it next to medic, you lie in it and you, sniper, medic and (y/d/n) were all sunbathing but you ended up falling asleep, a few mintures later, scout comes out and sees you sleeping in the decchair, he smiles and then he notices (y/d/n) waking up and walking over to you, (y/d/n) then notice scout and wags (his/her) tail
"het there little guy, do you wanna play with me" scout asks (y/d/n)
"bark bark" (y/d/n) says
"ok follow me" scout says and walk to the side of the garden with (y/d/n) following him
scout and (y/d/n) played with a beach ball and when scout throws the ball, (y/d/n) hits it back with his mouth and both of them did this for quite a while and it was loads of fun
meanwhile someone was watching you and (y/d/n) in a bush, (y/d/n) senses this and stopped what (he/she) was doing and looks at the bush where the person was, (he/she) started to growl but then a noice that (y/d/n) can only hear goes off and it made (y/d/n) back up and then gave (him/her) jet black eyes
"what's wrong (y/d/n)?" scout asks
(y/d/n) looks at scout and starts to growl at him
"TUTS! HELP ME" scout shouts and you wake up, you look at scout and (y/d/n) then run over to (y/d/n)
"(y/d/n) stop" you say but (y/d/n) doesn't stop, you then cover (his/her) ears and it made (him/her) snap of of the trance
"are you feeling better" you ask (y/d/n)
(y/d/n) squeaked apologising and you pet (him/her) on the head with your head, you then take (y/d/n) inside so (he/she) won't here the noise and scout looked confused but follow you anyway, the person disappeared and reappear a mile away from the base
"boss, i found the girl who can tame dogs and she knows about the whistle" the person says though a walkie talkie
"bring her to me" a voice says though the walkie talkie
"ok boss" the person says and puts the walkie talkie down
meanwhile you take (y/d/n) to the living room and put (him/her) down
"what was that all about, tuts" scout asks walking in behind you
"(y/d/n) heard the sound of the mage whistle" you say
"the what?!" scout says
"the mage whistle, if a dog hears it, it changes it behaviour and makes it bad" you explain
"how do you know all this tuts" scout says
"i read it in a dog magazine one time and when i saw (y/d/n)'s eyes i know it was the mage whistle" you say "someone is using one and we need to keep (y/d/n) inside for a while"
"ok tuts but what if it need its bathroom break" scout asks
"i will go out with (him/her) so if (he/she) does hear the whistle again, i will cover (his/her) ears and take (him/her) back inside" you say
"good idea tuts, your acting as smart as engie" scout says
you realise that engie is quite smart and it made you blush a little
"thanks scout" you say and give him a hug
"now come on tuts, let's play outside" scout says
"ok (y/d/n) you stay here and i'll be back for you later" you say to (y/d/n), (y/d/n) tilts (his/her) head
"woof" (y/d/n) says and you pat (him/her) on the head and you and scout leave the room, (y/d/n) jumps on the couch and falls asleep
Later you collect (y/d/n) for dinner and after dinner you head to you room for the night, as you got there, you get blindfolded and put to sleep by the person, (y/d/n) panics and runs away but the person hits (him/her) with a sleeping dart, he then makes a run for it with you in his arms, later sniper walks in and finds (y/d/n) on the floor
"(y/d/n) what are you doing on the floor?" sniper asks then he notices the dart in (y/d/n)
"guuur, woof, woof" (y/d/n) says and walks into your room, sniper follows (him/her) and when he gets into your room, he notices you are gone, he runs to the others with (y/d/n) in his arm and when he get there
"guys (y/n) is gone, she isn't in her room and (y/d/n) had this dart in (him/her)" sniper says showing the dart to the others
"we need to look for her" soldier says
"it probably the person who played the mage whistle" scout says
"...what" everyone says and scout explains what you told him earlier
"come on lets go" medic says and all 9 mercs get up and start their search for you
To be continued

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