5 months later

213 12 4

/5 months later/

Danni's pov:

So where are we now?

Well, I'm 5 months pregnant and getting bigger by the day.

Jenni and Adam are getting married this month.

We all think Ryan's got 'proposey eyes' and that he might pop the question to Georgia soon.

And Joel...

Still single.

No sign of Nat.






Well, until today.

Joel's pov:

I logged onto my twitter.

I was having a pretty good day.

That is until I saw the tweet.

Georgia's pov:

Joel runs down the stairs and into the room.

He's in a suit.

"I'm going out guys. I don't know how long I'll be, but don't worry. See you later." He says hurriedly before running out.

"What the..." I trail off.

"Why is he in a suit?" Ryan asks.

"He looks pretty hot in a suit if you ask me." I tease.

I laugh at the expression on Ryan's face.

"Only joking." I say and kiss him.

"But where's he going? Do you think he's meeting a girl?" Ryan asks.

"In a suit? No." I say and then I realise what it could be.

I grab my phone and log onto my twitter.

And sure enough, my suspicions were confirmed...








Short filler because I haven't been updating much recently, very sorry! So what do you reckon the tweet was? {Danni}

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