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Thia's POV
"Thia." It was one small word, but a leap for my spirits to hear Joshua say my name. It had been three months and Josh could already say my name and a few other words. Hearing him say it brought tears of happiness to my eyes every time. "Hi Joshy." His natural hair color was appearing due to the fact that he wasn't dying it regularly. He never got a long-lasting black hair dye. I was never sure why, but I liked the woodsy chestnut color of his original hair color. His blue eyes looked purer than they had in a long time, not surrounded by bruises, or blood shot red from being high.
We sat there in silence for a moment when I decided to ask, "ummm do you remember what caused you to end up in the hospital?"
He shook his head no. "Do you want to know?" I asked, to which he nodded.
"We were both having a 'good time'" (I use my hands to show that I meant quote-on-quote good time) with some people who had alcohol and drugs." I told him the entire story about how he wanted to steal the car, and how I told him I would drive.
I couldn't tell how he felt about the entire thing. He seemed sad, but not extremely depressed until he looked at me and it hit him. Our relationship may turn out to be totally different from how it was. What if I didn't want a guy who had disabilities because of his brain damage?

Joshua's POV
Thia, I wish you could hear my thoughts to know how much I am wanting to say, but how little comes out. It is like being an infant that has so many emotions, but can only muster a cry to express any emotion. I would tell you that "Thia" isn't the only word I want to say to you. I want to hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love you. I couldn't remember the accident, but when you started to tell me, I kept remembering small scenes from that day. I saw you in a state that I had only seen you in, in my memories of our relationship. This accident wasn't her fault. How could she not see that?!? I would've probably run the car off into a deep lake causing both of us to die, given the state that I was in. As I recall, the light was green when she was in the intersection. Although when everyone that was involved in the accident was questioned, the other driver said that we were the ones that had run the red. I mean it was very believable, due to the state we were both in. No one would ever believe me. After I stopped kidding myself by thinking so much without being able to tell her a word, I looked at her. She seemed to have an expression of pity on her face, and a hint of love? I hope. What if I can never tell her what's on my mind? Will the speech therapy work or will I only end up with the ability to say her name.

Thia's POV
I stared into Josh's eyes to register his reaction, just in case he didn't say anything "Josh do you remember 'us', like our relationship and how it was before the accident?"
"No," he said with disappointment.
"Oh, well then every time I come over, I'll tell you everything about 'us'. From how you asked me out, our first kiss, and all of our dates"

Joshua's POV
Shit, I said no. I meant no I don't remember the few years before you and I became messed up, I do remember the nights we shared together getting high, trying to forget the world that didn't concern us. My life wasn't messed up, but if there was anything I could do to spend more time with Thia, I would do it, no matter what cost. I had slight amnesia from the concussion I had also gotten, but the doctor said that I would remember more things about my past, in time. The way she said 'us' made my heart warm, her not knowing how she was affecting me. It made me the happiest I had been since being here.

Thia's POV
I walked into his bedroom, sat on his bed, and began. "It was Valentine's Day when you asked me out to the Valentine's Day party. I was so happy to find out you liked me because I had always had a crush on you, but you never knew. When we went to the party you kept me by your side the entire time. You took me to the snack table so we could pick out a message heart candy to signify our first date. I told you that I loved Valentine's Day because there were so many hearts and that meant a lot to me, because I never felt loved by anyone: my mom, dad, friends, or anybody.. But when I looked at the beautiful hearts that was enough to make me happy."

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