Unspoken Feelings

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Landon's POV
If I showed her how undeniable our feelings are for each other she'd have to realize that she should be with me, right? The kiss I had with her in my imagination was no where near as amazing as the one she gave me when she finally let loose and forgot about her boyfriend. She doesn't see it, but I can just imagine her being the love of my life. That car ride was the hardest I had ever had to withstand, I thought it was bad when stuck in the car with two nasty foster parents going on a stressful vacation, well I was wrong.

Thia's POV
I ran inside the house leaving Landon behind. I went into Heather and Walt's room and shut the door. "Landon said something to upset josh a lot. It makes me sad to see Josh this upset," I lied while tears came down my face, but for reasons other than the ones I was telling them. "What did he say to Josh?" Heather asked sincerely. "Things too evil to even repeat"I replied. "Awww honey I'm so sorry that it made you upset. We'll think about how we're going to deal with Landon, but we are definitely not going to have him bring you to Josh's house if he's going to be mean to him."
I thanked them while tears lightly fell from my eyes now. I went into my room and made a sign that said: "no unwanted visitors allowed in this room, you know who you are." I put it on my door, then slid a note under Landon's door that read: "the sign is directed to you, but by unwanted I mean unwanted temptation. I don't mean it harshly, but I just can't be around you." I went back into my room and placed my head in my pillow. About an hour later Heather and Walt came in to tell me what they had decided. "We think it would be best if Landon had some after school activity to occupy himself with to keep him out of your hair (I suddenly imagined his hand in my hair from earlier). Maybe that will help him focus his 'energy' on more productive, or at least less destructive things."
Landon is not going to bother me anymore!!! Yes!!! I think....but part of me is kind of upset that he won't be around. 'Stop thinking that... now you can have a third shot at being the good girlfriend to Joshua you wanted to be'. I tried to fall asleep but I stayed up until 3 a.m. thinking about everything.

Landon's POV
I heard Thia's voice coming from inside heather and Walt's room. I put my ear against the door, but seconds after I did, I heard Thia thank them and start to head towards the door. I quickly went into my room and closed my door. I couldn't get that kiss off my mind. I laid on my bed for hours just thinking about everything that happened that night. What would it be like if Thia could be mine? As those thoughts ran through my head I saw a little piece of paper go under my door. I waited a little while, knowing why Thia wanted to communicate through a note instead of face to face. When I read it I couldn't help but smile at how she said that I was a temptation. It may have said I was an unwanted one, but that's cause she knew she wanted me and that she couldn't control herself. I laid down and fell asleep thinking about the same things as before.
In the morning I woke up to find out that I was being punished. Well not really punished... considering it was one of the oddest, nice kind of punishments I've received. I just didn't know what I did. Then I figured it had something to do with a lie Thia told Walt and Heather because Heather added "other than starting an after school activity, you will also not be driving Thia to Josh's anymore."
She did say she had to stay away from me. I guess it was a pretty effective method she used on Heather and Walt... whatever she did to get it to this point. I'll just have to wait it out until she finally comes to her senses and realizes what I already can tell.
My goal at school today was to find out if there were any bands that students have started. I first went to see this one band. They had a good image, but no talent. The second band intrigued me, they had a chill seeming base player, an interesting pianist and a sultry girl lead singer. They played for me and when they were finished they said that they needed someone to play guitar and help with vocals. After we made the deal, the girl came up to me with her hand extended in a flirtatious way "I'm Sophia. I forgot what you said your name was..." She said trying to get me to fill in the blank with a pause. "Landon." She looked at me playfully as her eyes glinted. "Well nice to meet you Landon. See you at practice" she winked as she walked away.
I went home to find that Walt and Heather were gone. Do middle age people still go on dates? Hmmm...beats me, but they surely were having more fun than I was right then. The house was empty. Thia must be at Josh's house. I guess I'll look around to see what they all do when they have no activities. Let's start with Thia's room... Some books, a guitar hmmm...she must play, and last but surely not the least, Thia's personal journal. Now conscience, should I respect the privacy of her little book? 'what if she wrote about why the heck she isn't getting together with you? Read it!'
Dear diary,
I am so drawn to Landon, but why?!! He reminds me of my past, he could never stop doing whatever he wants. One day he'll realize that messing around with junk like that will screw you up and make your problems worse!!!
The diary entry the night of our first kiss said:
Hey diary,
I just cheated on Josh!!! With, you guessed it....Landon....The kiss just felt right. He held me and told me that he had feelings for me... Wasn't that what I wanted? I don't know. Whatever feelings I had for him don't matter now. He probably hates me for trying to act like it never happened. I told him I was going to keep my feelings back for him!! Why did I do that?Nothing makes sense anymore, I'm going to Philia's to get my mind off of things....
Bye diary
The diary entry after that amused me quite a bit. It read: Kissing Landon again is so tempting, I know I wont last long. He has something about him that makes me drawn to him....this morning his black hair was all scuffed up by his bed head and when he turned around, I had to look away before his eyes caught mine. He was right, if you look too long, they'll suck you right in.
The entry of the night we kissed the second time said:
Oh my god.....I kissed Landon....again, and I deepened the kiss!!!! It was the best kiss of my life. It was full of all of our emotions for each other that we had tried to keep in for only a few days. I knew I wasn't going to last long diary!! I predicted it....
I'm a cheater. Josh deserves better, I know that. I knew that. That's why I told Landon it could not happen again, but I saw how well that worked last time. So I lied to Walt and Heather and told them that Landon said mean things to Josh,but Landon did nothing wrong....I should be the one getting punished. I don't know when the next time I'll see Landon will be, but I'm going to try to stay away as long as possible.
Her logic still confuses me, but I don't know if I'll be waiting long until she's mine. She can't deny her feelings for the rest of her life.

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