Hidden Past

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Joshua's POV

I hear my door creak and I'm surprised to see that little minx from so long ago slink into my bedroom. "Joshy, I'm sorry it's taken me this long to visit you after the...I just didn't know what to say, what to do..." she slowly walks to my bed, gently resting her weight...the way she moves is different than Thia. She rests so lightly, as if she's so delicate that any wrong move could break her, or as if she's constantly aware someone's watching. "I know I pushed the boundary at the party...I know I told you that I was ok with just being friends, but josh, you broke my heart and you've been doing it since we were just kids." She can see the confusion on my face grow as I say, "What?" She acknowledges that's not the only thing I have to say and she hands me the pen and paper. "Soph, I don't understand. The entire time we were friends, even before I got together with Thia, you were always the popular girl dating only the most attractive guys in school." She looks at me with a glint of regret in her eyes, "only the ones who saw me like that. Imagine that, having so many guys want you, but the only one you want sees you just for you: that girl with nothing much to her but her body." I write as quick as I can. "S you can't be serious, you and I both know there's so much more to you. That act of flirting with everything that moves, you don't do it to hurt people, it's for yourself. You're insecure, but I could never understand why. You're so sweet, I don't understand why you use sexuality as your first move. You can make someone feel special by just talking to you. It's like you're zeroed in on them, letting them know that what they have to say is the most important thing you've heard in your life. I can personally say, you made—make me feel heard." She brushes my hair off my forehead with her hand and looks me in the eyes with the intensity that she always has. Only this time, she knew I could see it. "Josh, I want to be with you."

Landon's POV

It is a huge test of my willpower as I continue to look at her gorgeous body, those innocent eyes peering up at me. "Shall we get ready for bed? Get pjs on? Maybe watch a movie to get your mind of things? Or do you want to vent, cause you can do that too," I state. "Those all sound great, but um.. there's something I need to do real quick, can you drive me to Josh's? We hop in the car and once we get there she walks in as I wait in the car.

Thia's POV

Right when I'm about to open the door, I hear a girl's voice inside Josh's room. Oh that familiar sickly sweet voice... I open the door to find Sophia cuddled up beside Josh on his bed. It's clear that nothing could have really happened between them, given the state he's in, but it doesn't make the sight of her in his bed sting any less. "Can I speak to Josh alone?" I say with disdain as I glare at Sophia. "Of course, I'm sorry, I should get going now anyway..." I stop her, "that's not necessary, you can wait outside the door, I'll be leaving soon."

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