The End

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Joshua's POV

The first thing I open my eyes to this morning is Sophia curled up next to me. There's something strange about having my best friend in my bed like she's been many times before, but knowing things are totally different now. I'm no longer with Thia, so all bets are off on what could happen between Soph and I. "Joshy?" she says in a sleepy haze. She hands me the notebook and paper before talking again. "You never gave me response to my question last night," she says hesitantly. "Sophie, are you sure you want to be with someone like... me?" I refer to my disabled state. "Josh, I've been in love with you since preschool, I was just too scared to ever tell you. I flaunted like that because I was hoping to get something to happen, maybe make you see me like they saw me. It never fazed you, it never even sparked an interest, I felt defeated."

Landon's POV

I come home to find Thia in my room; She's laying in my bed with her arms tightly gripping a pillow, one tear trickling down her cheek. When she notices me come in, she hides her face in the pillow. "Landon, I thought you left," she murmurs into the pillow. "Thia, are you ok?" I take the pillow away from her and she ducks her head once again, this time into the sheets. "Its ok, come here." I grab her and pull her into my arms. "Landon, I don't want to be alone," she whispers. "Thia, I don't understand, what happened?" she shifts so that she can look into my eyes. "I broke up with him. He wasn't the one I wanted to be with." Every bit of my self-loathing brain begins to doubt that I could be the one she wants to be with, but every cocky part of me reminds me of the connection she and I have. "Why are you sad?" I question. "I thought you left, like really left. I know it sounds stupid... it's just that your room was so clean," she laughs as she realizes what she was saying.

Thia's POV

"If there's anything you should ever know Thia, it's that I never would leave without saying goodbye to you first. We've gone through similar things, I know how I'd feel if you left without saying goodbye..." I kiss him. It's genuine, no longer masked with guilt. He kisses me back with such passion, that it's intoxicating. There's something so freeing about feeling understood by another human in such a raw way and not feel an ounce of judgement. It's in this moment that I realize he's the one.                    

                                                                            ####THE END####

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