8: Sometimes We Take Chances, Sometimes We Take Pills

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"Shows aren't really my scene, Pete." I admitted down the phone line, as once again I found myself engaging in yet another tiresome phone call with the one and only Pete Wentz.

At least now I was home alone, so at least Gerard couldn't make annoying comments in the background in general attempt to test and eventually break my patience. So that was a bonus at the very least.

"How can shows not be your scene- Mikes? Shows, man!" His words came out warily almost as if my dislike to drunken mosh pits was dehumanising me entirely. Well, in Pete's books, it probably was, but things weren't like that in mine.

"I don't know... there are just people and it's not... I don't know... my thing." I shrugged it off, knowing that Pete would be even more repulsed by the words that just left my lips but I couldn't care; he would just have to get over this shit.

"You're so anti-social - it's cute."

"How? How? How is it cute?" Anti-social was pissing me off, just like it was apparently doing so for Pete but most importantly was it in no way cute or adorable. But then again, Pete could look at a famished alligator and still want to suck it off, so I'm not entirely sure his opinion is one I trust in this matter.

"Because you're cute - everything about you is cute, Mikes. That's for certain, okay?" His words were sincere yet in no way convincing enough. And there most certainly was the matter that Pete was nothing short of a simply atrocious liar.

"Whatever you say, Pete. Whatever the hell you say." I sighed, letting him have his way for the sake of it. I was kind of tired and not in the mood to care about Pete Wentz and potentially hurt feelings.


"Pete!" Jesus Christ - I could kill this guy pretty much all of the time and how I'd managed to end up being in love with him was really nothing short of an utter mystery.

"Yes, your knight in shining armour is here - you called..." he paused for a moment but the effect was unappreciated as by knowing Pete for more than a second, I knew far too well as to what was coming next, "princess." Damn, I was right, as unfortunately expected.

"Piss off, hospital boy." I let out the first words, reminiscent of an insult that came to my mind and evidently it really wasn't the best of insults at all. In fact my words barely even counted as insults and instead of even receiving a sigh over the phone, I just caught some badly muffled laughter as Pete Wentz basked in my utter hopelessness like the nice little shithead he was.

"Hospital boy?" I could sense the smirk even down the phone line, seeing as it was practically a signature feature of Pete.

"You managed to fall down the stairs to avoid a goddamn scented candle- I did tell you they were goddamn health and safety hazards but did you listen oh no, of course not. You’re Pete Wentz how the hell could you possibly have listened to a single goddamn word that left my lips- can you even hear a word I'm saying right now over the sound of that enormous ego of yours?"

"Mikes, Jesus Christ!" Pete let off a laugh like a steam train, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes contently in the solitude of my own kitchen where I could be the pissiest little bitch I damn well wanted to be.

"What?" I shrugged it off, as if I hadn't just spilled out a whole pile of shit to him for very little reason or with very little coherence.

"Dude, chill. My ego is fabulous - it's part of me, and I know you love it really so how about you shut the hell up?" Nah, I didn't think I'd take him up on that offer, you know. It was nothing personal. It was just the fact that he was annoying and I was stuck in the heart snapping situation of both loving and hating him.

Just Off The Key Of Reason (Pete Wentz/Mikey Way)Where stories live. Discover now