Just out of Reach

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Emma was leaning against the window in a light sleep, the music from her headphones blocked out the quiet chatter of the other passengers seated around her. There was the occasional cry of a baby, or someone's laughter that cut through her music, but Emma paid it no mind, losing herself to the music.

The bus was currently stopped to pick up more people. They all walked past her, wanting to sit away from people to avoid having to interact with strangers in any way, but one faltered in their step when they noticed who she was. A smirk settled across his face as he stood in front of the seat next to her, then dropped down heavily onto it.

Emma jerked upright in her seat, yanking her headphones out in the process. She turned to her right to see who had scared her, only to find Chris grinning back at her.

"You're such a fucking asshole. You scared the shit out of me!" she exclaimed, shoving his arm. Chris chuckled, rubbing the nape of his neck as his grin stretched across his face, teeth poking out between his lips.

"Next time, don't fall asleep on the bus," Chris said, picking up one of the earbuds from her lap to put in his ear, his knee brushing against Emma's as he shifted closer, "Usher?"

"Shut up, if you don't like it, don't listen."

"I didn't say that."

Emma put the other earbud back in her ear, slouching down in her seat to rest her head on Chris' shoulder despite the nervous flutters filling her belly. Just as Emma was getting comfortable snuggled up against Chris, a police car flew past the bus, sirens blaring, catching everyone's attention.

"What's that all about?" Someone behind them muttered. The bus slowed to a stop, thick traffic blocking the way. From where Emma was sitting, she could through the windows of the glass doors, and watch as several people ran passed. 

A man jumped onto the bus, his sudden arrival grabbing everyone's attention. "Yo, the cops just shot this homeless man twenty times," he says, pointing behind him from where he came, then ran back out of the bus. Chris stands up to see better, leaning over Emma to see out the window, her body flushing with heat as the scent of his cologne washed over her.

"Can you see anything?" Emma pushed her head up against the window to try to see down the street. Many people were getting out of there cars to see what was up ahead, a few have even abandoned their cars completely, wandering down the street to see what was going on.

"No, let's go check it out," Chris grabbed Emma's hand and dragged her off the now empty bus, following the crowd down the congested street to see what was going on.


Rylee was sitting on the couch on her PSP, furiously mashing buttons, trying and failing to beat the level for the 8th time. She heard a car door slam over the sound of clashing swords and magical spells and listened to the family talking for a bit before she heard them walking towards the front door. It swung open, and Madison stepped in, followed by the rest of her family.

"Where's Emma?" Madison asked when she noticed Rylee was the only one in the house.

"No idea, said she was going out for a bit. Probably went into the city," Rylee didn't look up from her game, her fingers flying over the buttons as she spoke, "Who were you talking to outside?"

"Mrs. Cruz, no ones showing up to her daughters birthday because of the bug going around."

"You need to tell her whats really going on," Nick said, giving his mom a pointed look. When he didn't get a response he dropped down onto the couch, lying down with his head in Rylee's lap. "I'm about to step into a world of shit."

𝙂𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙂𝙤𝙧𝙚   ━━   Chris ManawaWhere stories live. Discover now