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There are jet engines roaring, piercing through the otherwise silent night as they fly over the city, dropping bombs as they go. The skyline is up in flames, illuminating the cities in an eerie orange glow that in any other situation, would have looked beautiful as it casted towering shadows over everything.

Strand is driving the Zodiac to the Abigail with Alicia, Nick, Rylee, Ofelia, and Daniel, as well as any supplies they could squeeze on with them. The waves are choppy, but they seem to be making out okay, becoming smaller and smaller as they disappear from view into the dark ocean.

Emma and Alex are bringing the rest of the supplies to the shoreline with Maddie, hauling boxes and bags full of supplies. The wind is harshly blowing Emma's hair into her face, causing her to fumble around in the sand in momentary blindness. Chris is sitting with Liza's body and hasn't moved since he found her, just staring blankly out at the dark water.

Between explosions, Alex hears distant growling coming from behind him. He turns around to see a few infected coming from the other side of the beach and from Strand's house, hobbling towards them.

"Chris! Chris, move to the water!" Travis yells from down the beach.

"I can't."


"I'm not leaving her!" Chris cries, hunching over Liza's body slightly as if she was going to be taken away from him. He picks up a large rock to defend himself, but other than that, he continues to sit next to Liza's lifeless body. The infected start closing in on them, Madison and Travis fight off the ones that start getting too close.

"We don't have to leave her," Alex says, bashing in the head of an infected woman to make sure she stayed dead, blood splattering across the sand. Nick drives up to the shore in the dingy then, shouting for everyone to hurry up. Emma quickly loads the last of the supplies then goes back to Chris. Chris glares over at Alex, daring him to suggest anything along the lines of leaving her, "Help me lift her onto the boat."

The two of them carry her over to Nick, who lays her blanket wrapped body over the last of the supplies while Emma holds the boat in place. Chris climbs in to sit with Liza's body, his gaze still vacant as he stares down at her. Madison and Travis join them with whatever they had.

Following behind the two is an infected man, snarling as it wades through the water. It stumbles over towards the zodiac, the harsh waves pushing it around. Nick lifts the propeller out of the water as the infected man gets closer, the blades cutting through the air. It walks into the spinning blades and slices its face apart, blood spraying every which way, some of it landing on Nick.

Madison quickly looks away from the bloody sight, leaning over the edge of the boat as she heaves. Chris lays a comforting hand on her back, watching the fire spread across the skyline blankly. There are explosions that sound every once in a while that cover up the sounds of the many alarms and screams from the city.

Strand, Ofelia, and Daniel are waiting for them on the rear of the boat. Once they notice them, Strand disappeared back into the boat to get it started. When the Zodiac pulls up to the Abigail, Travis hands off Liza's body to Daniel while Ofelia helps the others get onto the yacht.

Travis takes Liza back from Daniel who then ties the Zodiac down. Alicia and Rylee join the group to watch as more fire bombs are released over LA, the city turning into one big fireball. The orange glow is mesmerizing, but Rylee feels nauseous thinking of all the people left in the city that were still alive.


"I don't know why he bothers."

"Who?" Emma says, looking over at Alex. He's got another book in his hands, this time it's one about plants. Travis just passed them on the way downstairs, no doubt going to see Chris again.

𝙂𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙂𝙤𝙧𝙚   ━━   Chris ManawaWhere stories live. Discover now