The Great Escape

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When Emma and Chris get back to the house, they find Travis and Madison hastily packing in the kitchen. There are boxes covering every available surface, filled to the brim with anything useful they could get their hands on, stuffing them to their limits.

"Whats going on?" Chris asks, grabbing his father's arm as he passes by.

"We've gotta go. Go grab your things."


"Now Chris," Travis demands, voice raising slightly. Emma starts pulling cans from the cabinet next to her when she noticed how serious Travis was, knowing that whatever's going on, isn't good.

"What happened?"

"The guard is pulling out."

"Yeah, we saw them on the way back. They were looting."

"They're leaving, we're leaving," Madison says, shoving the last of the canned food into the box in front Emma.

"They said it was getting better. Why are they leaving?" Emma asks. Madison takes the box, leaving the lid behind since it was overflowing.

"They're retreating," Emma turns around to look at Travis, "It's not safe for us to stay. Each for our own now."

"We're going back to our original plan. We're going east," Madison states, walking back into the kitchen to get another box. She heads back out, calling over her shoulder, "Come on."

"We've got enough water and food to last us," Travis goes to follow Madison out the door but Chris stops him.

"What about mom?"

"We're gonna get her and Nick. Let's go." Emma and Chris grab the last two boxes and follow Travis.

"How are we gonna get them?" Emma asks. Travis gives her a look, but she refuses to drop it.


"We can't just walk up in there and take them, they won't let us, especially not Liza. How are we supposed to get them?"

"We will, don't worry." Emma doesn't feel reassured, a sense of dread washing over her.


Alicia is in the front seat of the car next to Madison, leaving Rylee, Emma, and Chris crammed in the back seat with their things, limbs curled up to their bodies, not wanting to touch each other in the quickly warming car. Ofelia is leading in the SUV with Daniel, where a majority of their possessions are packed, while Travis follows them all in his truck.

There's a bag under Emma's feet, forcing her legs up towards her chest, but Emma just uses her knees as a pillow to rest her head on, staring out the window next to her as they drive through the empty streets, spotting families inside their houses going about their day.

They pull up to the exit gate, the place completely deserted and stripped clean, as if the army was never there in the first place. Daniel gets out of his car to open the gate, and Madison sticks her head out the window to get a better look around the area. "I can't believe they just left us to die," Emma said as she continued to look down the empty, dark road.

A beep from outside catches Emma's attention, and she turns to watch Daniel pull the gate open. Once it's wide enough for the cars to get through, Daniel hops back in the van, and they all head off, leaving behind the community full of people to fend for themselves.

When they get to the compound they park in the only open parking garage. They don't bother parking in a spot, wanting to be able to get out quickly if something goes wrong. Daniel leaves shortly after to get the infected from the arena to use as a diversion. Travis, Madison, and Ofelia move to the side to talk, leaving the very pissed off kids out of the loop, since they are to 'weak' to help.

𝙂𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙂𝙤𝙧𝙚   ━━   Chris ManawaWhere stories live. Discover now