Chapter twenty two

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Chapter twenty two

Everything was warm. It was too warm. My skin felt like the sun was beating down on it without a breeze.

It’s nighttime. How is it so warm?

I opened my eyes as I heard the first of the fireworks. They were blurry.

I blinked but they were still out of focus.

What’s happening?

I heard someone calling my name and I turned my head to see a figured waving me over. Who is that? I can’t tell. I feel like there’s mist over my eyes.

I somehow managed to push myself to my feet but I nearly tumbled over. My head spun and my stomach lurched.

I don’t remember what I’d eaten that day, but it all came back up as I retched into the sand.

I could hear Zalee yelling something at me as I heard running footsteps. They all reached me and someone put a hand on my back.

“She’s burning,” Zalee gasped.

Someone grabbed my face with both their hands and I nearly sighed at how cold their hands were. “She has a temperature...she’s also shaking,” Trey said sounding worried. “What did you do, Lissa?” I stumbled backwards and someone caught me.

They slowly lowered me to the ground before pushing some of my hair out of the way. “She took something,” Jace murmured as he looked down at me.

“What did you take?” Trey insisted.

“I found this!” That was Ian’s voice, I smiled.

“Ian?” I whispered.

“It’s empty,” he continued.

“Ian,” I reached my hand out and he took it. “Hello brother dear.”

“What was in here…Melissa you need to tell us,” he begged. “Melissa please.”

“I don’t feel ecstatic anymore,” I whispered.

“It’s ecstasy,” Zoey said, remembering what I had said nearly a month ago. “She overdosed.”

“How many did you take? Melissa answer me!” Yelled Ian.

I felt my muscles spasm and all I could think was how weird it felt.

My eyes had closed again because I couldn’t see anything and I heard someone scream.

I think it was Zoey.

“I think she’s having a seizure,” another voice said. “My sister is epileptic, she has these occasionally. We have to time the seizure and call 911.” I could imagine everyone rummaging around for their phones or their watches. “Turn her on her side,” was the last thing I heard before the darkness swallowed me whole.

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