The Judge • 7

197 11 4

Everything was too dark now. The sun never shined, the birds never sang, and she always felt numb.

Blurryface had killed her.

She could feel some things, like pain. Whenever she'd cut herself or when she got a migraine, that was painful.

In a way, she guessed she was sad. She never bothered with her eyeliner anymore because she's just cry it off.

But, everything was just mostly numb. Nothing. She was basically automatic, going through the same motions everyday, but this time she didn't have feelings to go along with it.

All she had was Blurryface.

She didn't go to school anymore. She'd act like she was, every morning saying goodbye to her mom and brother, and head to the bus stop. But she'd never make it to the bus stop.

She would walk in the other direction, to her secret hideaway. It wasn't too far from her house, but far enough so no one in the area would recognize her.

It was an abandoned gazebo, behind some trees. It was dirty and creaked every time she moved, ready to break, but Gwen liked it there. It was her place.

She could hear echoes of pain from there. Someone screaming, crying, or yelling. She could hear tires screeching, and sometimes crashes if the driver didn't stop fast enough.

She couldn't go to school. She couldn't bare seeing him, Blake. She missed him, or at least she thought she did. Blurryface was confusing everything. They have so much control now, Gwen was basically dead.

But little did she know, Blake was avoiding school, also.
He missed her. A lot would be an understatement.

The teenager sighed, and rolled over to his side on his bed.

She blew me off, Blake thought. I thought everything was okay.

He heard a knock on his door. "Go away, mom! I told you I'm just not feeling well."

The door opened, anyway. "I'm not your mom." a girl said. "But, I'm still worried about you."

"I'm fine, Endy." Blake said to his little sister.

"You don't seem fine." Endy claimed, walking towards Blake's bed. "This isn't about dad or Richie, right?"

He cringed at the sound of his late brother's name. "No." he replied simply.

"Well then, what is is?" the curious girl asked.

"I think he's suffering from a little bit of a heartbreak." their mom came out of nowhere. "Endy, you need to go catch the bus. It'll be here any minute now."

"Okay, mama." Endy said. "I love y'all."

"Love 'ya too, sweetie." her mom called after her, but the girl was already out the door. "Ah, that girl. Still doesn't understand a heartbreak."

"She's usually the heartbreaker." Blake claimed. It was true. Everyone fell for Endy, she was a natural beauty. But she would always dump them when she found someone better. "But anyways, I'm not suffering from a heartbreak, mama. I told you, I probably just have a flu."

"Flu my ass." his mother said. "What happened? I can read heartbreak from a mile away. Does it have something to do with that Gwen girl?"

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