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So there I was silently reading some Ticcimask fanfic when out of nowhere a cockroach flew out nowhere straight into my arm so of course I jump up (while screaming hysterically) and threw my phone at the bed and ducked under my desk grabbed my bugspray that I keep there (for this exact situation) And gave myself a mini pep talk then proceeded to spray that motherf*cker till it stopped moving, I basically just sprayed it to death on mah bed, so now here I am on the couch because my mother refused to let me sleep in my room *facepalm* I hate sleeping here... It feels like victoria is watching me (Victoria is the name I gave the ghost in my house) I never see her but I just get that feeling... That weird creepy feeling you get when someone is staring at you, and all the creepy stories I ever read come flashing back in my mind and then I can't fall asleep
*looks over at you* Help me fall asleep please I beg you

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