Happy Halloween!

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So I ment to publish this a lot earlier But kinda forgot about this since I was making sure my Sister's room didn't smell like dog vomit *sighs* anyways
Happy Halloween!!!

I wish I could tell you all the cool stuff I did today but that would be lying since I did literally nothing  (except clean up the mess Lucy left in Mmmy Sister's room)

I didn't even give out candy since There weren't any kids going door to door saying "Trick or treat!" Yeah in the place I live in we don't really celebrate Halloween (Cue loud dramatic gasp) hell no body even put decorations out! Even the damn mall got lazy with decorations (┳Д┳)

Anyways Happy Halloween d(-_^)

(Oh and Julie, Jules, Jewel, Jul-Jul, yung kanta sa taas ay para sayo XD it's a crash course in Filipino mythology and it is hilarious XD Its funny because all that shit in there is true XD Yeah enjoy the song you hot demon of a friend)

(oh and about School tomorrow, Don't leave me alone in there dammit! ಥ⌣ಥ)

Random 2?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora