Chapter 6

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Rowan and Gavriel flew through the town, the large shrieking never falling behind. Buildings passed in a blur as Rowan soared in the sky, Gavriel never far behind, jumping from rooftop to rooftop in mountain lion form. The dock was only three miles away, but with each flap of Rowan's wings the screeching behind them grew louder and closer. The wind that had been steadily growing deep inside Rowan's gut was slowly draining as he used the winds to push his wings and soar towards the sea. 

Finally, the dock pulled into view, and Rowan realized what was off about the town. Even with the loud screeching and pounding of the fae sprinting through the buildings, no fae, animal, or human had appeared. Rowan hardly had time to wonder why before a brick slammed into the air he had just flown out of. Rowan glanced at the ground to see Gavriel facing a similar predicament. Rocks, bricks, and various materials were now being hurled at the pair. Rowan watched as Gavriel stumbled as a large pipe slammed into the ground behind him. Gavriel kept running, his golden power patching up holes in the rooftops for him to leap upon.  

When the boat was a hundred yards away, the throws were becoming increasingly accurate, one just barely missing Rowan's wing, another managing to scratch Gavriel's side. Dodging another falling brick, Rowan sent his weak power to push the boat away from the dock. Luckily they had only tied a single rope to connect the ship to the dock, which Gavriel severed with one claw as he leaped aboard. 

Rowan shifted above the boat and fell to the deck with a roll. With a quick glance around, Rowan determined the boat was still in sailing condition. "GO!" he roared as Gavriel shifted beside him. Elide was standing near the mast, staring in horror at whatever creature was chasing them. Lorcan stood next to her grabbing two knives off his belt and squatting into a fighting stance. For once the pair did not seem uncomfortable with each other, both's attention focused on the town, or rather the monster stumbling through it. 

The boat rocked as one of the fae used their powers to push the boat from the dock. Soon the boat was gliding along the water, the sails now full with a light breeze that Rowan had managed to scrape together from the dregs of his power. Rowan's focus was on the wind he was using to push the sails. Gavriel was panting in the middle of the boat, nursing a gash in his side. Lorcan had just started to storm towards Rowan, probably to demand what happened, when Elide screamed. 

The fae turned to see a large black creature land on the stern. The creature was out of a nightmare. Its long, black body was sleek, but marred with scars. Two large gashes were still oozing blood from its right side. Two massive leathery wings sprouted from its back, the wings shimmering slightly as the creature' head turned to the fae and Elide. Its face looked like the skeleton of a lion, if the skull had been black and slimy. Dark, rotted fangs dripped a deep purple liquid onto the deck. The creature landed on all fours, but stood up on its hind legs, revealing its true height to be towering over the fae. Its back legs resembled a dogs, but the front legs were disturbingly human-like, with claws for fingers. 

The creature had barely opened its mouth to let out another shriek when a dagger embedded itself in its forehead. The force of the throw knocked the beast backwards, and it stumbled to the side of the boat, retching. Rowan removed his focus from the sails in time to glance past the monster now huddled on the side of the boat. A small cloud of twenty or so of the creatures was nearing the docks, gaining speed and distance quickly. Lorcan was now missing both of his hunting knives, one in Elide's hand. Gavriel had wrapped a makeshift bandage around his ribs and was standing with a sword in his hand, a golden shield now in front of the group of four. 

Rowan watched in horror as the creature that had fallen rose to its feet, the dagger gone from its forehead and in its skeletal hand. "We are the Basti." Its voice was like two stones being shoved together. The Basti took a step towards the group. Its friends were almost upon the boat, the loud flapping of wings drowning out any sound of the waves. The other creatures would not land on the boat and screeched as they circled the mast, blocking out any light from the moon.

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