Chapter 11

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Elide had grown tired of sitting in the stuffy cabin. 

Rowan was restless and had barely slept since the day Elide woke up. His restless pacing had kept Elide awake many nights, along with the cold. Gavriel was constantly commanding Rowan to get some rest, and only the threat of exhaustion could move Rowan from the deck. 

The strong breezes that Rowan had conjured had only grown as they sailed closer to Doranelle, as if the closer he was to Aelin, the stronger he was. The males on board had left Elide alone for the most part, letting her roam where she wished. 

The creatures that had attacked them-- the Basti, Elide thought Rowan had called them-- were still an unsolved puzzle to the group. Gavriel had proposed the idea that the monsters were from Erawan, but the thought was quickly shut down by Lorcan. 

"Those creatures were nothing like Erawan's experiments," Lorcan had looked to Elide, as if asking for her opinion on the matter. Though she was still mad with him, Elide had told the others that the Basti did not look or feel like Erawan's disgusting creations. Lorcan had looked surprised that Elide had deigned to acknowledge his presence. 

The former cadre members shared a look with each other, a quick glance, yet full of centuries of memories and wisdom. "The Basti disappeared after a killing blow, and they seemed to be communicating with Maeve." Rowan paced the deck, hands on his temple. "Maeve has never experimented with her powers and life before--" 

"At least not to our knowledge." Gavriel interrupted. "She has never shared all of her information with us." 

The group dispersed even more confused than before. 

Gavriel was the only fae who bothered to talk to Elide anymore, assisting her with daily lessons of reading and history. Elide felt like a newborn compared to the immortal soldier, yet she had started to think of him as a friend. 

One day, about two days distance from the coast of Doranelle, Rowan had barged into the cabin suddenly in the the middle of a lesson, startling Elide into dropping the book on her lap. The only books on board were about sailing and a few adventure novels in the captain's quarters, but they were better than nothing. 

Rowan stumbled, and the sight of the immortal warrior falling was one of the worst sights Elide had seen. Rowan's fae grace failed him, and Elide watched Rowan as he tumbled to the ground. Gavriel was crouched at his side before Elide planted her feet on the floor. 

A low moan escaped Rowan's prone form as he jerked away from Gavriel's hands, his own clutching his head. "She's in pain." His voice came in deep gasps. "She's scared. The fear-- it's like when she faced the Valg." Gavriel looked up at Elide and jerked his head towards the door. Go. His eyes seemed to plead. 

Elide nodded and picked up her book, the soft pages a comforting familiarity as she edged her way out of the room, careful not to disturb Gavriel who was whispering Rowan questions. Elide overheard  a soft response, followed by another groan--not of pain, but of loss. 

As she pushed open the cabin door and stepped outside, Elide was assaulted by the blinding sunlight. As she blinked the dark spots from her eyes, Elide breathed in the salty tang of the water and strode to the mast of the ship. 

The previous owner of the boat had added wooden beams to the sides of the mast, creating a ladder of sorts that led to the very tip of the mast. Elide tucked the book into her shirt as she grabbed for the first rung. 

Each step up was a struggle, her ruined leg slowing down the progress. Several times Elide had to stop, resting her tired muscles before she continued her climb. Each rung was a step away from her problems, though, and closer to the welcoming embrace of the warm sun. There she could find peace. 

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