Chapter 19

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Hey guys! If you haven't read Tower of Dawn -- no worries, but I will be including some of the new info from that book in this one to help with the plot and such. Sorry to keep you waiting! 

He was here. It was real. Aelin sobbed as she breathed in pine and snow. 

She didn't know how long they sat on the floor, simply holding each other-- needing the feel of each other. 

Aelin ran her hands over Rowan's back, his shoulders, tracing his tattoo up to his face, shining with tears. The headstrong male who was her equal, her husband, her mate. 

Mate. Another ripple of breath expelled itself from Aelin's face as she leaned back to view him. Rowan protested, hands gripping her shoulders protectively. Almost as if it was to say, Never again. I am never letting you go again.  

Aelin tried to laugh but all that came out was a strangled cough. Rowan immediately let her go, his gaze apologetic but loving. She shuddered as he ran a finger down her cheek and whispered, "You're my mate." 

It wasn't a question. There was no doubt in his eyes as he looked at Aelin's fragile form. She glanced around the room before reaching out to hold his face with her scarred fingers. Rowan placed a hand over her own as he smiled and kissed away Aelin's tears. 

"I'm sorry." Her voice came out in a gasp. "I let you down, and I never told you, but I knew. I knew Rowan." He only tightened his grip over her hand, a loving squeeze. "When the witch shot that arrow through you-- and Lyria..." Rowan exhaled at the name. "But I love you, Rowan rutting Whitethorn." 

It was ridiculous, Aelin knew, to fear his reaction. But she still glanced up at him through lowered lashes as he stood, pulling her with him. "Aelin," She shuddered at the purely male tone in his voice. "When I spotted you on the rooftops of Wendlyn, drunk and sunburned I knew you were going to change my life." Rowan pulled her body flush to his, and though her wounds ached, Aelin looked up at the male smiling. 

The wooden door banged open, and Rowan pushed Aelin behind him as he palmed the knives that had already appeared in his hands. Lorcan only strolled in, a smug grin on his face as he beheld the embracing lovers. Rowan growled but Aelin moved to his side and glared at the male. Any lesser fae would have shrunk from the wrath brewing in the young woman's eyes.

Gavriel rushed in next, then Fenrys, followed by a dark haired figure--Elide. Aelin shifted her gaze to Elide's dark eyes which were already welling with tears. "I'm sorry." She spoke with no hesitation, no stutter or moment of uncertainty. Aelin only blinked as Elide grasped her palms and squeezed, bowing her head. 

"My queen--" Aelin only pulled a hand away from the Lady of Perranth and placed a finger under her chin. There was no disgust, no hatred in Aelin's eyes. Only love and respect passed between the gazes of the children of Terrasen. 

"It was not your fault." Aelin looked to Lorcan, face twisting into a scowl with each passing moment. "But I can't say the same about you, can I?" Malice dripped from her tone as Lorcan looked to the Queen. The small room was barely large enough to contain four fae warriors, and Aelin stalked across the small space, aware of Rowan watching every move she made. 

How free it felt to walk without fetters. To control her own movements, however painful each step might be. Her white shirt was drenched in sweat, nearly see through, but her head did not lower, and the core of gold in her eyes glowed brighter with each breath. 

Aelin was aware of Rowan's breathing behind her. Aware of it stopping altogether as he beheld her back, ruined to the point where it was almost unrecognizable. Then the breaths starting again as he saw the new tattoos.

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