Avengers come to visit

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I do not own any of the avengers.

Bruce walked out of the elevator to Tonys main living room "Tony" he said.

He then just decided that Tony was busy so he sat on the couch and soon after he arrived Steve came into the room and smiled said "Doctor Banner it's a pleasure to see you again". "You too Steve" Bruce said with a smile. and they kept up their constant chatter and soon Clint and Natasha arrived. "hey guys" Steve said "hey" Natasha said and smiled.

Then a gurgling baby came crawling out of nowhere and stopped her eyes roamed over the strange people and they just stared wide eyed back "you see the baby too right??" Bruce asked

"Yaaaaa" Natasha said ".....fabulous" Bruce said then looked back down at the paper he was reading. Serena giggled a little then crawled over to Clint and raised her arms. so Clint picked her up and set her on his lap where she snuggled contently into his chest.

A few minutes later they saw a frazzled Tony come running down the stairs that connected to his living room "have any of you seen a little girl she's about this tall??" he said makeing a hand motion to show how small she was.

"Yes" Steve answered and pointed to a smiling Clint Barton holding Serena who was fast asleep. "oh thank goodness" he sighed and slumped down on his couch.

So what do you think good bad a little longer chapter this time.

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