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"Sissy!" a voice of a man was heard from the outside of Gyeoul's office. She raised her glasses slipping from her nose.

The door opened and Hoshi was standing right there, smiling to her.

"Sissy! I missed you so much!" Hoshi ran to her and hugged her even though there was a table between them.

Gyeoul rolled her eyes and pat her brother's back.

"Aww! Stop slapping my back! What if I can't dance anymore?" Hoshi exaggerated again.

She snorted and asked, "Why are you here? Why aren't you practicing?"

He smiled ear to ear. "I'll be taking a break for a month! And-- I have a surprise patient for you."

"Lee Jihoon?"

He frowned. She laughed and slapped his arm. "Okay, I'm sorry. Where is he?"

While frowning, he walked to the door and called his friend outside. Lee Jihoon walked inside while frowning. Acting as if he didn't want this.

"Hi! Please take a seat," she said while smiling.

He stared at the seat. "I like the seat. It's perfect and clean," he thought.

He sat down and looked at Gyeoul while wearing a poker face.

"I am Dr. Winter Kwon, it's nice to meet you," she offered a handshake.

Leaving her hand in the air, he answered, "Lee Jihoon. I have an OCD. I take medicine."

She chuckled awkwardly and took back her hand. "So, what are you here for?"

Hoshi took a seat in front of Jihoon while smiling.

"Creepy ass," Jihoon thought. "I feel like my condition has worsen."

She fakely coughed. "S-so... can you explain further?"

"I want you to be my private psychiatrist. You'll be working for me... alone," Jihoon said.

"H-huh? I meant his condition,"she thought and cried in her mind.

"Oh, I mean, how do you know that your OCD has worsen?" Gyeoul asked in a soft voice.

Jihoon sighed, "I don't know. Ask Soonyoung."

They looked at Hoshi at the same time, and it made him awkward.

"He can't stop washing his hands every ten minutes, even though he always brought alcohol in his pocket. And the worst part is... he kept on repeating his music. I mean, he won't stop editing that one particular song for like 5 days straight until it's perfect for his ears," he said.

"That's... sad-- I mean-- Okay! I can help you overcome your OCD," Gyeoul said in a careful voice.

Hoshi is the most suffering from Jihoon's OCD. Whenever they record every comeback, he won't stop recording, no breaks. Even a water break. Hoshi suffers from depression because of his job. He doesn't enjoy it anymore. He just can't say it.

After the check up, Gyeoul took a break for a while. She checked her phone for updates about her former patients. They were improving, living their lives to the fullest. One patient even travelled the world with his girlfriend. Another one with cancer who have passed away recently... she built a haven for people with special needs. She left it to her daughter, and fortunately, she raised her daughter well.

She smiled and turned off her phone. She stood up and told her co-doctor, "Hey, y' want me to buy somethin' for 'ya?"

Dr. Kim Mingyu snorted. "Your accent is bad. Stop it. Just buy me a sandwich. Thanks. Mwah!" And then he sent a flying kiss to Gyeoul.

She rolled her eyes and left the room. She went straight to the hospital cafeteria and bought a cup noodles and a sandwich. She came back to the room to throw Mingyu's sandwich.

"Oh! Thanks! Love 'ya!" Then Mingyu showed his canine teeth and bit the sandwich.

"Flirty b*tch..."she whispered.

She went to get hot water and sitted after.

"Cup noodles are the best thing in the world!"she exclaimed.

Mingyu did not care about what she said. "About that patient a while ago... I think it's not just an OCD. Don't listen to me, okay? I'm just deducing based on his facial expressions and reactions. There's something worse in him," he said.

"What d'you mean?"

"You're so clueless. Are you really a psychiatrist? How did you get your license?"

"Ya! Stop being mean. I know your idea. I could see it. First thing first, I want to dig up his past,"

"And then? What if he notices? He's a genius, obviously,"

"He's a music genius,"

"It's the same thing. He's a genius. Period,"

"Then, we'll take it slow. We're not hurrying, are we?"

"I thought you only have one month?"

"Seriously, Dr. Kim? We're going to take it all slow, okay? I know that time is gold. But in his case, time is bronze,"

"Wtf, shut up."


Oh em jee. HAHAHAHHA.

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