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"Dr. Kwon! What happened in my bathroom?!" Jihoon screamed after seeing a "mess".

Gyeoul who has been eating an ice cream ran after him, giggling. She's been bothering him since she came.

She saw Jihoon looking red.

"What the fuck did you do?" He turned his head to look at her. He became redder after seeing her messy face and the ice cream is melting in her hand.

He heavily sighed and massaged his temple.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know it would be that messy. Hihi," she said. Oh, well. She put her toothbrush beside his. Her transparent make-up kit bothered Jihoon even more. He could see spilled powder inside and the liquid lipstick is not properly closed.

"Are you using expired BB cream?"he asked in a flat tone. He could see an old container of BB cream popping out of the transparent make-up kit. The zipper is gone.

She nodded and giggled making him more annoyed.

"C-can you please... fuckin' get out? I don't want to see your face!" He shouted at her. But she's not bothered by this attitude. She had a patient worse than him.

"I won't get out until you're healed," she said in bubbly tone. She smiled and left him hanging in the bathroom.

She went straight to the kitchen and found a perfectly aligned cups of ramen in one of the cupboards. It was color and flavor coordinated.

She smirked and planned something that would annoy the hell out of him.

She quickly pulled out one cup of ramen from the very down part of the line.

Like an avalanche, the cups of ramen fell down her face.

She screamed out of "pain" that made Jihoon panic.

"What the f*ck happened?!"he stormed out of the bathroom and ran towards Gyeoul as if she died.



"Hoshi, help me. He's really angry at me,"she told her brother at the other line. Hoshi sighed out of frustration. He's been really busy about his tv guestings.

"You're a doctor, you should know what you should do!"and then he hung up.

She heavily sighed and stared at the door. Jihoon is one of the worst case she handled. She knew something was definitely wrong about him just as Dr. Kim Mingyu told her.

Time is bronze in the case of Jihoon. It was wrong of her that she made the mess at the kitchen.

Tears fell off her eyes but she shrugged them off. He's not my worst patient. She told herself.

The door suddenly opened and a Jihoon in a yellow onesie with a baby Groot picture printed at the center appeared.

He smiled and it looked so adorable.


He pouted. "I'm Groot! I'm not Jihoon!"he stomped his feet.

Her eyes almost popped out of her eye sockets. "Groot" grabbed her arms and helped her get up.

"You're cute!"and he giggled. He cupped her face and smacked her lips with his.

She almost fainted. She had patients kiss her a lot but his kiss made her heart beat fast.



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