Chapter 3

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My room was dimly lit when I awoke the next day. Sunlight flittered through the blinds, throwing lines of light and shade across the room. I rolled over, taking in a stretch. As I resettled my head in the soft pillow, I closed my eyes. Ah, what a night. I hadn't sept peacefully in some time, nightmares always keeping me up. Oh no. My eyes shot open, and I sat bolt upright, bouncing on the matress. My alarm clock read 10am. I scrambled out of bed, running to the kitchen.

What I saw was the complete opposite of what was going on in my head. While my head was a frantic blur, trying to prepare myself for what was to come, I saw none of this. Dad was reading the paper, and Mum was strolling around, casual as ever, taking constant draws from her coffee. Ugh. I hate that smell.

When she saw me, she said, relaxed as ever, "Isn't today that day you have some contest?"

"Yes, quick!!" I looked frantically around. Why wasn't anyone else stressed?

"Alright dear. Go and get changed, and tell me when you're ready to go."

Mum continued sipping as she walked over to the coffee machiene and turned it off, before disapearing into her bedroom. I froze. I never stress about this, but what the hell does one wear when meeting a music star? Someone world famours? Cursing iunder my breath, I ran back to my room, proceeding to fling clothing around my room, let right and centre. Among the mess, I saw something, and breathed a sigh of relief.


Any thoughts / comments / predictions please comment!! Sorry that was so short, more on the way xx

~Born2dance_143 :)

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