Chapter 6

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Jenny sighed, watching him go. "Please excuse us."

She followed him over, hands on her hips. She seemed to be getting sick of him. They exchanged initial whispers, too quiet for anyone to hear. I looked around the room. There were beautiful works of art hanging on the walls, and a gorgeous wood table with piled of papers on top. I felt someone looking at me, but no other entrants were. I gazed over to Conor and Jenny, to see Conor staring. I immediently looked back at the artworks, but I caught him look out the window, glaring. The whispers got more desperate. I caught the words, 'I can't, those are the rules', but nothing else.

When the two returned, Conor looked extremely pissed off, and Jenny looked stressed.She took a deep breath, shuffling her notes. She cuaght my eye, and I gave her a small smile, encouraging her, and she sent one back me way as well. Poor Jenny, she was having a rough day.

"If you are unsuccessful, please know that the turn out of today's event is completely random. Pure chance. We," she gestured at Conor, who was glaring at the floor, "have no control over the outcome whatsoever. Good luck everybody."

Jenny walked over to the long wooden table to get the blindfold. Conor continued to glare at the floor with such anger that if he could have, his eyesight would have melted through the smooth marble long ago. His eyes were set, intense, and it seemed that something had really gone wrong in his world to get this expression out of him.

Jenny returned, carrying a blindfold between her fingers. She walked around the back of Conor. I snuck one more look at him, and our eyes met once more before his were covered up with the blindfold. Before the thick material was placed over his eyes, I had recieved the same scorching glare from Conor that the floor had.

I held my breath. Jenny assisted Conor to turn a few times, and then he did it himself, holding one arm out, his index finger extended lazily. Why was I so worried? 49/1 it would land on me. I shut my eyes, willing myself to disappear, or praying for the chance, I didn't know which. There was something else. I had no idea why, but the idea of him walking away with one of those kinds of women gae me an uneasy feeling. Queasy. I knew full well he would have done what they would have asked him to do before, and that I am nothing in comparison, and also that I wouldn't win. So why I was so worried I had no clue.

I heard the steps get slower, and I sighed, knotting my hands together. Conor stopped stepping. A begrudged circle of sighs eminated from everyone around me. So one of them had been chosen after all. I looked up, opening my eyes to find out who the lucky lady was, only to find all eyes on me, Conor's finger extended in my direction. To my chair. I looked at him, my jaw gaping open. His expression was unreadable. Jenny, however, was pursing her lips together, trying to conceal a smile.The obviously dissapointed women and men all started to leave, muttering many disrespectful things under their breaths.


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~Born2dance_143 :)

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