Chapter 10

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I really thought today would start differently, peacefully waking up on my own. I didn't expect to be shaken awake, even theough I should have.

"Anneliese! Wake up!"

I squinted into my artificially lit room. "Huh?"

"Get up! Today's the day!"

"What day? Sunday?" I replied dimly, looking around groggily as I sat up.

"The competition?"

"Magazine, competition ..." I lay back down, drowsily rubbing my eyes. I yawned, closing them again.

"Conor! Remember?" Mum was frantic now.

"Conor ... -!" I sat bolt upright, startling my mother. I turned to her. "He's coming today isn't he?!"

She sighed, exasperated. "That's what I've been trying to tell you! What time is he coming?"

I snatched the booklet from Mum, apologizing for doing so. I flicked through, my eyes ice skating over the words in front of me.

"It doesn't say."

"I guess he comes when he's ready. Not much we can do." We walked out, openings my blinds as she went. I rubbed my adjusting eyes.

Mum returned a few seconds, and seeing me sitting up, put her hands on her hips. "Just because he isn't here this second, doesn't mean you can stay in bed. Get dressed, you can help with the last minute cleaning." She left, leaving my door wide open.

I groaned, forcing myself to get out of bed. It took me about 5 minutes to find a pair of jeans, and I paired it with some random purple top I found on my floor. When I entered the kitchen, I found a sink full of dishes waiting for me. Mum was busy ironing, so I got started without asking. I sung to pass the time, quietly so I wouldn't be heard by anyone else. I found it relaxing, allowing my voice to change levels as words flowed out. Once they were all drying on the metal rack, I went to find Mum. She was in her bedroom, folding washing and watching a morning show.


The big day is only getting started! Excited? :)

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~Born2dance_143 :)

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