Chapter 7

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Jenny called after them after. "Thanks everyone!"

No-one returned any speech to her, or even looked back. She turned to me.

"Congratulations! Please follow me over here, we just have to complete some paperwork."

She walked over to the table, passing me a glass of water when she got there.

"I've gone to the liberty of highlighting every line that you need to sign on. Here's a pen."

She walked away from me, back to the cirlcle of chairs, which was now emplty. Well, almost empty. I watched her, and I found Conor sitting on one of the seats. When he saw Jenny approaching, he stood up.

"I'm going back to the hotel."

Jenny fumed. "Aren't you going to congratulate, ah..."

She turned back to me. "What was your name?"

I smiled at her. Anneliese. Anneliese Scott."

She returned my smile. "Anneliese. Thankyou." She turned back to Conor and spoke to him directly. "Aren't you going to congratulate Anneliese?"

Conor started to walk away. When he reached the door, he turned, and looked over my shoulder, glaring as icily as before.

"Congratulations." He spoke in a monotone, venemous and scathing. He walked out, slamming the dorr behind him.

Jenny sighed, returning to me. "Sorry about him, he's so rude."

"It's fine. Jenny. Oh, can I call you that?" I peeked up from my papers to her face.

"Of course you can. I would have said no to anyone else, but you may. I really love your accent, sweetie. So cute!" She was beaming. I seemed to be lifting her mood more by minute.

"Only if you think it's okay. And yours really suits you too." I hesitated. "Have I don something to upset him?"

She rolled her eyes. "No, not at all. He's in dire need of an attitude adjustment. That's why I came up wiith this contest. I thought that if he took a break from everything then he might be easier to handle when he returns." She sighed. "I'm sorry, forgive me."

"What for?"

"Telling you that. Now you're going to have a preconcieved idea of him in your head."

"Not at all. Can I please just say that you're absolutely gorgeous."

She blushed. Oh, thankyou! How sweet!"

I signed my last paper and set down the pen. "Thankyou Jenny."

She stood, so I did too. Assembling the papers, she replied. You're welcome, Anneliese. Have a great day."

I started towards the doors, and she cuaght up to me. "Here are your papers, they contain everything you need to know." Her phone rang from her pocket, making her jump. She apologized, turning away from me. I walked towards the door, taking in to room once more as I passed through. Turning the knob, I passed through the door, and started down the stairs.

Jenny's voice reverbatated through the stiar well, chasing me down as I descended. Loud and clear, I could hear her tiny giggles, and could visualize her beaming just as I had seen her.

"Yes, she's perfect! Absolutely perfect!" A pause, then she spoke again. "She is exactly what he needs."


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-Born2dance_143 :)

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