Chapter 5

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The woman who I had thanked walked to the centre of our circle. She cleared her thoat. Called to attention, the chattering stopped, and all eyes turned to her. Well, almost all. Many of the inappropriatley dressed ladies were looking not at the neatly dressed lady addressing us, but at Conor, winking flirtatiously and adjusting what little clothing they had on. He gave them no heed, ignoring them and staring out the massive glass window he was leaning against. When I turned back to the proffesional woman, she was eyeing down all the night owls until every eye in the room was on her. Except Conor.

She clerared her throat. "Welcome everyone! You have all been randomly drawn to have the chance to have Conor Maynard stay at your place for 2 weeks. I'm Jenny, Conor's manager."A small cheer errupted from everyone around me. She waited for silence before continuing. It was fair enough, she deserves respect. I noticed she had an American accent. It suited her.

"As you all know, Conor will pink his winnier. But not in the way you think."This caused all the ladies around me to frown. How could she mean? I tightened my ponytail nervously.

In a minute, I will ask Conor over here. I will blindfold him, and have him trun in circle and stop when he is reasy to. Who he is pointing to will be our winner." And she added under her breath, "And good luck to them."

A grunt came from the side of the room. She turned to Conor, to find him glaring at her. Was he in a bad mood today, or what? The manager rolled her eyes, causing me to giggle. When I looked up at her, she was smiling at me. I smiled back, causing her to smiling wider before looking back at her clipboard and continued to give us information. She had had a beautiful smile.

She looked over her shoulder and called, "Conor, could you join me over here please?"

Everyone resumed their sickening behaviour. I kept my head down, looking at my hair. Conor sighed, turning and walking to us. When I sensed his presence in front of me, I looked up. Instantly, my eyes were drawn into his, like a black hole. It consumed me for a moment, and for some reason I was unable to look away. I noticed how blue his eyes actually are, They were looking into the sky at night in that moment, and before I started staring, I looked away, tearing my eyes away from him and stared at my hands. His gaze, too, shifted focus.The gorgeous American girl spoke again, making me look up again. Conor was looking at his shoes.

Jenny spoke. :If you are unseccessf-"

Conor interupted her rudely. "Talk to me. Now." He cocked his head to the windows, and started walking over there without looking back.


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~Born2dance_143 :)

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