Kidnaping My Kidnapper (Adventure)

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D e s c r i p t i o n

Frankki Moral Pew
She just turned 23 last week and decided to test her luck. She went down town to a local Casino. A couple bets later she won a quarter of a million dollars. From a very important person.

Before leaving, the man threatens her life and promises he will have his money back.

Months later, a man comes to her door requesting the money. When Frankki refuses, he pulls a gun out and holds it to her head.


When Frankki can't pay up gets kidnapped.

But when she gets kidnapped. She kicks her kidnapper's a**. But he calls in back up so, she's back to being kidnapped. Yippee! Note the sarcasm...


Frankki is doing everything to get away, but how and when she does, will she ever be safe again.

•••••••••D e s c r i p t i o n e n d

P r o l o g u e

"Come on snake eyes...gimme snake eyes" she whispered to the dice before she let them go.

"And the lucky lady wins again!" Said the dealer with a fake plastic smile that didn't suit him as his eyes kept darting around nervous that he was doing this wrong. Casinos don't just loose this much money to one person. Either this girl is really lucky or he's super fired...

- - -

", remember that casino by the Chinese place we used to eat at?" The shaky voice said into the phone waiting for a reply.

"Yeah sweetheart...what's wrong?" Her dad's voice responded through the phone his tone confused and worried.

"I might owe money" the words spilled out of the girls mouth in a fast but quiet voice. Almost instantaneously an angry sigh came through the other end.

"Damnit Frankki! What did you do!?" The voice said angrily.

"Dad I'm a grown adult. I'm 23! I just thought it would be cool to test my luck at the casino...and you know what dad! I was so lucky! I won enough money to pay off both you and moms retirement and all my debt!" She said as every sentence got a little more confident and proud.

"Sweetheart, that's great but you know that casinos and gambling can be dangerous."

"Yeah dad that's kinda the problem..." her words drifted off.

"What do you mean—" His train of speech was cut off as another voice piped in from Frankki's side. "Oh don't worry sir we'll take nice and good care of you daughter till we get our money back" spoke a low grungy voice.

The lights flicked overhead and the sight of a girl in her pjs tied to a chair with maybe three...four goons surrounding her—came to the limelight.

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