The Big Bad Bluff (Teen Fiction)

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D e s c r I p t I o n

Dia was the new girl she was also a dead girl walking.

It's just that simple. She and her sassy badass attitude caught the attention of the school.

She rides a bike to school.

She cuts class.

She drinks and smokes.

All-around: She's just that badass.

Dia Fredricks was not someone you could forget.

•••••••••D e s c r i p t i o n   e n d

P r o l o g u e

"Fredricks late, again" the teacher rang out as I entered my last class of the day and the first I bothered to go to. "Fredricks this is the last time, you need to start thinking about your future in this class and this school, and... you're not even listening to me" he continued.

Now he wasn't wrong, I certainly had stopped listening and was walking to my desk. I set my bag down and took my seat "Sir if you are so worried about my future could you get back to your lesson please" I said not looking at him but the kid next to me who I had asked for a pencil.

"Please don't bother unpacking, Fredricks, You will be going to the principal's office," the teacher said scribbling on a note he passed to me as I walked to the front of the class and out the door.

'Another chance to skip I guess' I thought to myself pulling my bag tighter on my shoulder and left the school getting on my bike and riding home.

Once home I changed my clothes and headed back out to the boxing box. 'Stupid name I know' but it was a pretty nice gym and ring for when I wanted to have fun or fight. I thought I'd train some before the matches so I did. I hit the bags, threw some punches, and sweat like a pig.

By the time I was done training and working out it was time for the fights.

The announcer's loud voice rang in my ears as the other boxers around me cheered in anticipation of a good fight. "First fight of the night people, let's make it count. In this corner Johnes weighing lighter than a bag of flour and in the other corner we have Maki, with a winning streak of 3 and the weight of a bull. Let's get this fight started." he said while the two boys shook hands and took off to their corners ready.

I already knew who to bet on; this fight would be over in seconds and we all knew who would win.

The bell rang signaling the end of the match and one of them was hauled off stage knocked out.

"Next match: Dia vs _ "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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