What else is new (Humor)

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D e s c r i p t i o n

So you finally turned 16. You wanted in on the family business. After an entire week of begging and tears. You get the job.

Not the you were hoping for. Turns out your allowance and food were paid for at your family bar. Your job: wait tables. 

Life just turns around when you get a worthy tip of one hundred bucks. Just what you needed to brighten your mood.

Until Monday. You have a new teacher, a new gay teacher! He's so perky and upbeat that you just feel compelled to come to school. Crazy right!

Then comes final exams and a dog rampaged the classrooms. The only damages were done to you test. 'Aww H- E - double hockey sticks' your scream at the top of your lungs; landing you a detention. Like that donkey dog ate your test and only your test. Are you Cereal?!?

Also your brother joined the cheerleading squad. Your other brother is the school nerd. With the highest umpa lumpa GPA. Oh and your dearie little 6 year old baby brother shot a crossbow in your house to catch and kill a spider.

Everything is effed up in this house. But welcome to Alex Xavier Roberts' life. Oh and I'm the only female in the entirety of the house. Well crab nuggets.

•••••••••D e s c r i p t i o n   e n d

P r o l o g u e

"He started it" my repulsive brothers reminded our father for the fifth time. That's the thing we love to blame each other. You know a little sibling rivalry and all that. See, whenever one of us steps out of line, we vote them off and blame them for something the rest of us won't take blame for. So you never want to be in trouble and if you are, you certainly don't want to be caught.

But that exactly what happened. I got voted off. Darn. There goes my freedom. Fluttering our the window and being hit by a truck.
Like a big-big huge truck.

"Alex" dad shouted. "What did you do to be blamed this time"

You see, that even our dad knows the insides of our family and sibling rivalries. Honestly the coolest dad ever.

"I put gum in his hair" I said motioning to River's new haircut. "Then I took Elis's calculus textbook" motioning towards my nerdy big brother. "Then I kinda, might've hit Wheeler with a door" pointing at my sweet-angel of a 6-year-old little brother; who couldn't wait for dad to let him go so he could rip me limb from limb.

"Boys leave your sister alone" dad said.

"But dad" all three of them whined in unison.

"No butts, except all of yours going to school now." Dad said opening the front door.

"It's Saturday dad" I said facepalming and motioning towards the calendar on the fridge.

"Alex don't hit yourself or you'll get a concussion" dad said.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. Along the way my brothers gave me the dirtiest—meanest, most gruesome stares ever.

Time for another day to begin...I'm ready right?

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