Fantastic Fuck-ups (Fantasy)

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D e s c r i p t i o n

Ary Evelyn Monroe

Her life went from bad to worse the very day she was born. Things were never easy, life was never easy.

High school was hell. College was a bit better for her but still a struggle.

Last month at Halloween she and her best friend went to the coolest party ever. They took shots. Got drunk. It was just fun.

But some time after midnight as the party died down and people began to was just Ary's luck to get drugged. When she woke up she found that her body could react like a mirror. Reflecting light off her fingertips; fun at first but not very useful.

Weeks into trying to understand what happened and how she became like this. She realized that her life really was fucked up.

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Now who would you rather be in this story.

The Hero


The Villain

•••••••••D e s c r i p t i o n   e n d

P r o l o g u e

"You ever fucked up in life?" She said in a calm voice.

"Yes" he replied confused and worried.

"Okay- Now, what if your life was fucked up?" I slurred.

"Wait whatcha getting at Ary" he said looking deep in her eyes.

"Oh nothing really. Just...I'm a ducking supper hero!" I still slurred.

"Ok Ary sit down you've had to much to drink" he said coming towards me with cautious step.

"I'm not flipping drunk Echo! I haven't had one drink yet!"

"Sure sure" he said shaking his head and laughing.

"Echo look at me I can bend fucking light in my hands" I said raising my hand into the moonlight and watching it bend in his direction.

"So can a mirror Ary." He said slumping his shoulders.

"Fuck you Echo!"

"You too sweetheart. Now let's get you home and into your bed. You know what happens the last time you got this drunk. You ended up in Seattle,Washington. Like of all the places you ended up there?" He continued on laughing some more.

"Sounded better in my head" I said defiantly.

"Come on Ary. You've got work tomorrow."

"Okay Echoe..."I said. But even as he drove me home all I could think about was playing with the moonlight more.

Getting out of the car I somewhat stumbled slash walked up the stairs to my apartment. Opening the door I was welcomed by my baby: Machi. His soft purring as he grazed and rubbed against me. I leaned down to scratch behind his ears.

"Did you make dinner Machi?" I said yawning as I continued to joke with my feline friend. Moving to sit on the couch all jokes aside I said in a nervous scared voice. "What should I do now?" In response Machi only started to playfully swat my knee. He wants my hand I thought and so I rested my hand on my knee.

Machi set his soft paw over my hand in a sweet gesture as if to say that everything was gonna be okay.

And I believe him.

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