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I was transferring to a new big house, it's pretty cheap though. I lived with my parents, only us. Oh I brought my loyal friend too. He's a dog. One day, my parents told me that they go overseas for work, only for several weeks and I told them "okay" so I can free do anything what I want in that big house without being control by my parents. As they leave...

One night, I woke from my sleep because of hearing my dog barking loudly. Very loud. Then I looked for him. It was so unbelievable, he was barking at the window! My mind went "this dog is literally turning crazy." I can't sleep, it was too noisy and so annoying. Then, I took a picture of it and send it to my 'human' friend. I continued staring at my dog doing that thing. It's been like 3 hours he doing like that but nobody was there, seriously!

I lost my patience, I threw pillow at him. Then he stopped barking but still looking at the window. Then I scrolled the picture I took just now, I zoomed it. I was shocked. What I saw was out of my mind. Clearly it was a little girl standing outside of the window. Wearing an old fashioned dress and ribbon.

Then I looked back at my dog. He was looking at me. Near next to me.

He then barking loudly again. But this time, he was barking at me.

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