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Shades of Death Road in Warren County, New Jersey, is shrouded in murder and mystery.

This seven miles stretch winds it's way through 'Jenny Jump Forest' - named after a young girl who leapt to her death.

In it's early days, it was a corridor for savage highway men...

Lynch mobs would hunt them down and hang them from the trees as a warning to others outlaws.

During a malaria outbreak in the 1950s, the dying and dead were discarded along the roadside.

The road has also been the scene of numerous murders and the bodies were buried in the undergrowth.

In the 1990s, hundred of strange polaroid photographs of a tortured woman and static TV screens were found in the area.

'Shades od Death' runs along side 'Ghost Lake', where the spirit of slain Native Americans are believed to float over the water.

There are rumours of a deserted cabins in the wood where those who enter are rarely seen again.

Drivers on a section of the road known as 'Haunted Hallow' have reported seeing ghostly figures pacing the asphalt.

And it is claimed that if you park your car under a certain bridge after midnight, flash your headlights and honk you horn three times... you will see the ghosts of two young children.

Have you ever driven down Shades of Death Road?

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