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Let's Get A Cat


Clara stared at the tiny ginger kitten in the pen before her.

Adorable, yes. She ticked off one thing in her mental checklist.

She grabbed a bundle of feathers and showered them on the poor confused kitten.

Being curious, the kitten swiped at the feathers.

Playfulness. Clara ticked another thing off the mental checklist.

She picked up a treat, and threw it at the wall, breaking it in a few pieces.

Other kittens rushed to the sight of the treat, snacking on multiple pieces, while the ginger one ate only one.

Sharing and kindness. It's an easy feat, Clara thought.

Clara picked up the kitten, and started stroking it.

It purred, and relaxed in her arms.

"We're done! She's the one!" Clara called to the Doctor, asleep and bored.

Normally the Doctor would be happy at such occasions, but Clara had been here for almost eight hours.

They got up, and went to the main office of the sanctuary.

Clara filled out some papers, and the Doctor played with the kitten.

The manager was making eyes at Clara, while the Doctor glared at him.

The kitten went in a carrier, and off they went to the TARDIS.


"So what should I name it?" Clara asked inquisitively.

"I dunno...name it Epona!" the Doctor replied jokingly.

"Actually, why not?" She replied.

So the kitten was called Epona.

Epona was pretty cheeky and naughty, and got up to all sorts of mischief.

The day they found out its gender was the day she got pregnant.

Epona was fooling about in the TARDIS, when she came across a room the TARDIS made specially for her.

It was full of tomcats, so she decided to have some fun.

Long story short, she got pregnant.

When Epona gave kittens, there were at least six, so they gave them to the sanctuary.

Alas, Epona wasn't a very healthy cat, so she passed away in childbirth.

But one thing was for certain: Epona was the best cat they ever had.


I got this idea from my cousin's new cat. Epona is her name, and she was lost and got pregnant.

She passed away yesterday. RIP Epona.

Sorry if this feels short or something. I had to start again because wattpad crashed in the middle of me writing.

Bloody Mary (Doctor Who, Whouffle) -COMPLETED-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz