Chapter 10

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With 11 I went to a new school after the summerbreak.
Jack and I haven't talked too much since I got adopted at the beginning of the summer.

It was my first school day and Jack won't let me talk to him.
I wanted to be friends with him he always ignored me.
I use to cry myself to sleep because I was all alone.

Our mother was never at home and Jack used to go out and leave me alone in the new house.
Eleven year old me walked down the hallway seeing a cute boy with dark hair and eyes.

The boy stopped walking as he saw me and started a conversation.
"Hey I'm Jack and you?" he asked.
"I'm Olivia" I introduced.
"Are you new?" he asked.

"Yes can you show me the school my brother won't" I said.
He nodded and walked me through the school building which was really huge.
Every time he talked I couldn't stop looking at him.

I had to admit I kinda had a little crush on him but I was sure he didn't.
He was probably 14 and I'm 11 years old.
"So if you have a problem come to me I'm the school buddy" he smiled.

No wonder he was so nice to me.
"Thank you very much" I smiled.
He nodded and walked away from me.
I knew this would be a big change in my life

My new mother pulled up and I entered her car.
"Hey darling how was your first day at school?" she asked.
"It was nice are we waiting  for Jack?"
"Yes he's inviting friends over"

Speaking of Jack he entered the car with two boys.
Jack the boy from earlier with the white teeth.
"Hey I met you before Olivia right?" he asked.

I nodded smiling to my blushing self.
At home Jack ignored me once again and I was reading the book Sarah gave me for the fifth time.
Someone knocked on the door and opened it.

"Hey liv what are you doing all alone here?" he asked.
"I'm always alone here Jack doesn't like me" I smiled uncomfortable.
"Give him some time he's sad that his mother wanted another child" he smiled at me.

"He insults me everyday and forces me to leave the house he hates me but i actually like him. I wish we could understand each other" I said crying.
"Gilinsky what are you doing with this animal?" he screamed

"Jj chill she's just a child it's not her fault she got adopted" he said.
"You took my mom and now my bestfriend what are you a curse?" he said walking to me.

"Please don't hurt me" I cried.
"Shut up you're just a piece of shit" he screamed slapping me.
"Johnson stop that right now" Jack screamed.

He walked over to me and looked at my face.
"Are you Ok?" he asked.
I nodded and looked at Johnson.
"Please go" I cried.
"You know what I'll go but just know that I hate you"

Jordyn and I were looking for clothes as I found a cute flannel.
"Jordyn look at this one it's cute right" I asked showing her the flannel I admired.

"What's this drop it where you found it" she said disgusted.
"Here look at this cute shorts" she smiled.
It was blue and pink but way too short.

"No it's way too short" I said.
"Oh come on you have a perfect shape show it off" she replied.
"Oh talking about shape where do you have it from no offence but your mom has no shape at all" she continued.
"I was adopted my mother's from the Barbados and my dad was from here" I exclaimed.

"No wonder I kinda figured out that she wasn't your mom you don't resemble her at all" she smiled.
"Let's not talk about it anymore" I smiled back at her.
"You know what go home I'll meet you there" she smiled.

After about 20 minutes I reached my house and walked in.
"I'm at home" I screamed hoping someone's at home.

"Hey Matthew"
I have him a quick hug and sat on the dining chair.
"So Jack and Sam went on vacation too and I'm here to watch you"

"Hang on they went on vacation and left me here?
What am I supposed to do without them and Hayes because he's still Australia" I asked.

"Wait you have me and Jordyn
I kinda like her she's funny" he laughed.
"Do you like her ahhhh"
I don't believe you but did you make food?"

"No but since you're here can you make some chicken nuggets in dinosaur shape?" he begged
"Grow up mate" I laughed

I walked my lazy ass into the kitchen searching if we have dinosaur chicken nuggets.
Ten minutes later I heard the doorbell.

"Matthew go and get it" I screamed while placing the chicken nuggets into the pan.
"But you are closer to the door" he replied.
"I'm making you food and it's Jordyn"

Immediately he ran down the stairs opening the door.
I heard them talking and laughing which made me cringe.
"Stop flirting and come here" I screamed

I placed the chicken nuggets into a plate and walked to Matthew who was in the living room watching Stranger Things.

"Hey where's Jordyn?" I asked.
"She said something about burning  your old clothes and buying new ones" he replied.

Swiftly I ran up the stairs into my seeing Jordyn placing clothes in a rubbish bag and pouring fuel in it.

"What are you doing?"
"Trashing this shit you call clothes" she smiled.

She was about to take Shawn's sweatshirt but I snatched it from her.

"Don't touch this"
I took the shirt and placed it back into my wardrobe.

She looked at me and laughed.
"It belongs to Shawn doesn't it hahaha
okay keep it but I'm still burning all your clothes I bought you new ones" she squealed.

Rolling my eyes I walked down sitting next to Matthew who changed the channel to E-Entertainment.

"Do you want more?" I asked.
"Yeah please"
Smiling I walked into the kitchen placing more on the plate.

"Olivia come here" he yelled from the living room.
I took the plate and walked to him.

"Hey Shawn has a girlfriend" he smiled.

I heard a loud crash and noticed that the plate is on the ground shattered everywhere.
He has a girlfriend a girlfriend.

"My chicken nuggets"

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