Chapter 14

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~ previously on Ruin

I walked to Johnson but bumped into a girl.

"I'm sorry I-"

"Ugh watch where you're going" she rolled her eyes.

"Look I don't know who you're giving such a attitude but it better not be me or I'll scratch-"

"Are you threatening me? Ugh Shawnn" she screamed.


A familiar brunette walked up to us looking as confused as I.

"Yes hun" he asked.

"She's really rude to me talk to her please do it for me baby" she whined.

"How old are you that you need your boyfriend to help you fight" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Hey don't talk like that to my girlfriend" he scolded.

Clenching my jaw I looked at him.
"You can't tell me anything" I spat still flabbergasted that he's here.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked pointing at himself which made his neck vein pop up.

"You Shawn Mendes are an asshole a dickhead" I yelled taking a step further.
As soon as he noticed it he took a huge step back.

"How dare you talk like that to my boyfriend" the short blond beside me spoke.
She looked like one of those girls who wouldn't know any element of the periodic table.

"Shush I'm not done talking missy"
I eyed her and looked at Shawn.

"You're not a big fan of me" he smirked.
"No I'm not and wipe that smirk off your face before my hand does" I threatened.

"You wouldn't dare to slap me" his smirk grew wider.
"Try me Mendes" I whispered.

"Look I don't know who you are but I'm not going to let a girl who resembles trash threaten"

Raising my hand I slapped Shawn across his face.
"What was oh shit Shawn" Cameron mumbled.

"Let's go now" he smiled dragging me.
"No I'm not done with him" I jumpened but got pulled back.

"Cameron put me down" I screamed while kicking my legs in the air.

"Who's she?" Shawn yelled.
"You don't know her?" Cameron asked surprised.
"No I don't who's that" Shawn answered.

"You're a dick Mendes" Cameron said while carrying me to Johnson.

"Let's go home" I sighed holding my brothers hand.

"Aren't you hungry?" he asked concerned.

"No take me home" I snapped.

"Cam what happened?"
"I'll tell you at home" he said.


"Hey" the brunette in front of me greeted.

I walked into his room and took a seat on his bed.

"So Manu how have you been?" I asked looking at him.

"I've been doing fine I actually wanted to tell you something" he said nervously.

I stood up and looked at his piano.

"You play?" I asked.

Nodding he took a seat on a wooden chair and looked at me.

"What?" I smiled

"Take a chair and play a song with me"

I did as he said and looked at him.
After all that happened I was happy to see Manu.

"Which song?" he asked.

Thinking for a second I looked at him and smiled.

"Purpose by Justin Bieber" I smiled.

A/N the first one that gets it will have a guest roll in this book.


He started playing the piano and sang along.

Smiling I looked at him I didn't know his voice was that good.
He finished the song and looked at me.

"I think I'll start learning how to play the piano my older brother could give me some lessons" I smiled.

"Yeah so what I wanted to tell you is that I've been talking to Debora and she's really nice and sweet would it be ok if I went out with her?" he asked.

My smile disappeared and I clench my jaw.
"Why are you asking me if you like her go out with her" I looked down at my fingers and tried not to release my tears.

"Thank you I knew you'd help me you're the best" he wrapped his arms around my body and hugged it.

"I have to go my brother's friends are at my place"

I walked out of his house breathing heavily.
This day is officaly cursed.

Hey please comment if you liked today's chapter.
I think it's official that I always update chapters on Saturdays and when I'm too busy on Sunday.
Bye love y'all ❤

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