Chapter 20

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~Previously on Ruin

I wrap my arms around Hayes body and smile widely.
"Thank you could you do me a favour?" I ask.


"Give me a ride to the orphanage I used to live in"

His smile drops and he looks into my eyes like i had just committed a crime.


"Can I please talk to Sarah Grover?" I ask holding Hayes' arm tightly.

"Yeah just a second" the man walks into a room leaving me and Hayes at the entrance.

I was feeling anxious to see her and tell her what had happened in this past years.
Not knowing that I was holding his arm tighter than i had before Hayes groans in pain.

"How can i help you"
I look at the person with the familiar voice and smile.

She looks shocked and pulls me into a hug.
"Look at you tall and beautiful" she mumbles as she pulls back.

She still has that long blond hair and that huge smile I loved.
Sarah was still young and lively

"Your boyfriend?" she looks at Hayes who was red in embarrassment.

"No eww my bestfriend"

Hayes rolls his eyes and stretches his hand forth for her to shake.
"I'm Hayes" he introduced smiling.

"Sarah nice to meet you follow me inside" she looks over at the two of us and smiles.

Like two lost puppys we follow her into a little room where she was preparing some tee.

"Here you go" she hands each of us a mug and takes a seat on a chair.

"What brought you here you've grown so much and look at your hair" she smiles taking a sip from her tea.

"I wanted to know if I  could maybe work here?" I asked looking down at my shoes.

Hayes looks over at me with an confused look.
"Yeah of course would you like to start on Wednesday?" she asks.

"Yeah sure thank you" I say smiling.

"Would you like to meet the kids" she asks setting her cup on the table.

"Yeah sure why not" I copy her actions and so does Hayes.

She leads us into the huge living room where I used to watch tv in.
"Y'all come down here" she screams from the top of her lungs.

Minutes later the room was filled with children and teens.
"Liv introduce yourself hunny" she carries a red haird girl looking at me.

"I'm Olivia but you can call me Liv.
I used to live here as well and I'm 17.
On Wednesday I'll be working here from the afternoon" I smile at them noticing that there are more kids than teens.

"Can we go now?" a tall blond boy asks.
"Yeah so do you want to stay longer?" she looks at me and Hayes.

I look up to him taking his hand.
"Yeah sure" I smile.

"You can play and talk to the little kids over there" she points at some children that seem like seven.

Nodding I observe the room my heart breaks as I see a little red haired girl sitting by the window all alone.
She was holding tight onto her denim jacket.

I point over at her and take a seat.
She smiles up at me and then looks up at Hayes.
"Your boyfriend?" she asks pointing at him.

"No bestfriend his name is Hayes" I answer quickly.
"I like your eyes they are so blue" she stands on her chair squishing his cheeks looking at Hayes' eyes.

"I like yours too they're beautiful" he smiles at me and looks back at her.

"Do you want to know a secret?" she asks looking at the two of us.

We nod at her and her eyes start sparkling.

"I have a huge crush on Shawn Mendes you know him why am i asking everyone does" she starts laughing and Hayes and awkwardly laugh along.

"Yeah we know Shawn Mendes he sang stitches right?" Hayes asks.

"You're a fake fan you have to know more songs than just the popular ones. Did you know that Shawn loves muffins and Shawn's middle names are Peter and Raul" she explains laughing eveytime she says Shawn.

"Oh really?" I ask trying to sound nice.

"Yeah I hate Shawn's girlfriend she's so annoying I know karate and I could hurt her easily" she screams.

"How old are you?" I asked the hype girl in front of me.

"eight do you want to see my Shawn Mendes merch my brother bought 2 for my birthday" she runs up the stairs leaving me flabbergasted.

"That girl loves Shawn" says Hayes next to me.


"I have to go now I'll see you later"
he gives me a quick hug and leaves.

The blond boy from earlier takes a seat across me.
His arms are crossed and he carries a huge smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.
His question takes me a bit back and i look at him confused.

"I'll be working here from on Wednesday maybe-"

"I didn't mean it like that I ment to say something else like what is the school's biggest slut doing here?"


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