Chapter 15

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~Previously on Ruin

"Yeah so what I wanted to tell you is that I've been talking to Debora and she's really nice and sweet would it be ok if I went out with her?" he asked.

My smile disappeared and I clench my jaw.
"Why are you asking me if you like her go out with her" I looked down at my fingers and tried not to release my tears.

"Thank you I knew you'd help me you're the best" he wrapped his arms around my body and hugged it.

"I have to go my brother's friends are at my place"

I walked out of his house breathing heavily.
This day is officaly cursed.


~two weeks later

"I think I'm getting better at this" I smiled at the Jacks.

My brother and his bestfriend have been giving me some lessons and I'm getting better everyday.

"Now try it by yourself"

I played the piano and looked at Jack.
"Can you sing along?" I asked
Nodding he started singing Hometown glory by Adel.

After the song I looked at the time and sighed I'm late I have to go to school.
"I have to go bye"

I grabbed my bag and phone and left the house.
Walking to school I felt someone's present close to me.

"Hey" he smiled.
"So you can talk Manu?" I asked looking at the boy who was playing with his fingers.
"I've been busy" he excused.

"Sucking you're girlfriends face?"
I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes.

"Well" he started but i cut him off.

"Don't explain where is your girlfriend anyways?" I questioned.

"You know she has a name" now it was his turn to raise an eyebrow.

"I don't care"

"Look I know you don't like Deb"

I turned to him and placed my finger on his pink plump lips.

"Don't. Say. her. name she must not be named in my present except I allow it" i dropped my finger and walked to school.

"I don't know why you hate her" he whisper/yelled.

"You're naive Manu Rios" I laughed.
"No I'm not she's really nice I wish you could like her" he sighed.

"I wish people could see through her beauty and into her heart and soul because that's where she's ugly" I spoke.

"Look I know we're friends but I won't let you insult my girlfriend in front of me" he yelled.

"You call it insulting I call it saying the truth learn it" I shaked my head.
He grabbed my wrist and turned me around so I could face him.

"Don't talk about her like that I've heard enough about you.
You use to treat her like like shit because her parents died.
She's told me a lot about you and I'm starting to believe her.
You really act like a bitch" he let go of my hand.

Ruin S.M Where stories live. Discover now