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Prologue - Proximate ◬
◬ Edited ◬
• Proximate •
'Nearly accurate; approximate.'

Bill Cipher blinked.

And he blinked again.

He didn't know where or how he got where he was, all he knew is that he just gained consciousness and was extremely confused on any other details.

Bill looked at everything surrounding him, in the dark vast of nothing. He flew around, not knowing where he was. He was alone, from what he could see. The space around him felt empty and unnerving. It felt like an eternity passed before he came to his 'senses'.

It was at this time, that he asked himself; how was he here? What was he? How was he created?

Who created him? Who created Bill Cipher?

It made him feel strange. Not knowing what was happening panicked him slightly. Bill tried to remember any previous memories, anything that can let him know what was going on. But his thoughts were vague and unclear.

The world around Bill Cipher was mind-boggling. It was disorganized and messy.

Plenty of room for madness and havoc.

But things there were, like described before, untidy.

It didn't feel... stable.

Like, it was a scale and one side had pounds of gold while the other had a few stones. It felt like it was ready to collapse at any moment.

So Bill Cipher made himself comfy. Not exactly the best choice, but it was all he could do at the moment.

Now Bill here, isn't exactly a being you would describe as 'patient'.

He felt like he needed to be entertained almost all the time. A bit like a king with his jester.

Eventually, Bill just got, well, bored.

There wasn't anything new to see in his dimension. He knew all about it. It was predictable and it wasn't fun. It was the same ol', same ol'.

So he left. 

'Left' meaning Bill destroyed it.

After billions of years, Bill knew that it wasn't going to last long. So he destroyed his own dimension for as long as he pleased. Burning chaos. Maybe just to earn a few more moments of satisfaction. After all, all the other entities lived there.


Bill, out of all honesty, hated living there.

He said so himself.

"Flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams," he described it as.

But from there on out, he didn't know where to go. 

It wasn't until Bill came across an intergalactic foam wedged between dimensions. It was boiling and constantly shifting. But again, it was unstable. So Bill took this into account. It was a risk. There wasn't anything else that could be done. He knew this place had no laws and no stability, but maybe he could start anew.

Bill could remake it, make it into a fun world - a better world.

It was named, the Nightmare Realm.

So for trillions of years, he made himself at home. It was way better than the 2nd dimension, he could tell you that. He had other monsters there as well to keep him company, though Bill treated them like slaves. But that's besides the point.

Bill was doing OK.

All fun and games were brought down upon him when the prophecy came along. The prophecy stated that Bill Cipher would soon link both the Nightmare Realm with the third dimension.

Our dimension.

This took Bill by surprise.

Another dimension? Well, he could take over that one too! How fun. He'll do this no problem.

It was that much more inticing when he discovered said dimension's stability. This dimension was ours, and our scale has stayed balanced for years and it seemed to be staying that way.

This made Bill want the 3rd dimension even more.

It actually had a balanced law of physics. Where other entities - humans - were 3D, and not 2D.

Bill was 2D. A flatlander, as they call it. He was just a triangle, while in our dimension, things could be pyramids. The 2nd dimension had only length and width, but we had length, width and depth.

Bill was most definitely going to get this. He always got what he wanted, whether it was gotten the easy way or the hard way.

He ventured into the mindscape, a place Bill had already mastered at using and looked for more people to trouble.

He could find really gullible people, but there was no fun in that, was there? He wanted a challenge.

He generally preferred using the scare tactic. He wouldn't just get their biggest fear and toss it at their face. He'd get the worst thing possible and get his victims so scared, that when he tortured them, they could actually feel it happen, but it was all completed within the confines of the mindscape. 

Sure, the chaos of emotions he can bring upon a person using simply their mind was incredible, but that's all it was. It was all in the mind.

Oh, how he wished to be able to access the real world.

The terror he would add.

Bill needed to get to the 3rd dimension. But how?

He needed to make deals.

Years and years went by, before the 20th century rolled around. Cipher here, was as close as ever to reaching our dimension. But instead of Bill searching for the perfect canditate for manipulation, it was a man that called Bill. It wasn't that crazy - he had been called upon before, but time and time again he finds himself disappointed.

Here? Now? He had another chance with someone with more than enough potential. And that was that. Bill had already found a new person he could trick. 

He introduced himself as someone that finds extraordinary people who could do extraordinary things. He made sure to use praise and words that meant nothing to him towards the man that it meant everything to. He spoke to his ego, and it worked. The man he found was extremely intelligent in all the ways you could imagine.

The man was special, more advanced than most, mentally. His mind was one in a billion.

His name was Stanford Pines.

◬ Date Published: 7/08/2017◬
◬ Word Count: 1026◬

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