The Beginning

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Oi, this message is about.... uh..... 7-8 month after this was made, so uh, I looked back and I just realized some stuff with it XD. Just stick around to about chapter 6 and by then I think I would've figured out how to write properly XD. Anyways, check out my other stuff as well, this part is about a year old so oof, hope you enjoy this and everything else I write, and feel free to give any criticism you want, I'm happy to improve my writing for you!

Everything was black, one second I was sitting by a lake in Germany, then all of a sudden I could move the water with my hands, then it opened up and I got sucked in. Now... where am I?

I open my eyes and I see a girl... and her panties. "hey my eyes are up here you dirty hebin!" Aww crap I pissed her off, but who is she? I get up and ask what her name is " the name is Mira Yamana" " well Mira, where am I?". However do to being in shock I blurted some German and said " ich denken ich leibe du" before hand " what?" Crap. "Uh... nothing I just know some German and I guess I just blurted out German words because I was confused, and I don't know, in Germany a few second ago?!" there is no way this will workout ." oh, my bad. Well we need to get you to the headmaster to get this all sorted out ok?" " um... OK then, let's go then". She may not be the brightest star not to see that I said ' I think I love you but ok, it worked so I shouldn't complain, I mean, I was in germany, I would blurt out german. I'm not the brightest star either I guess.

"Come in" a voice yelled out, how ever it was slightly feminine, I wonder if she is as cute as Mira is. We open the door and to my surprise..." well who is this Mira?"... it's a guy, and now my senses say he is pervert, like me. " well that's why I brought him here" I bow to be nice and have some class and say " my name is Asacata Zey, I would like to know where I am" " well do you have magic?" How the hell did he know? "Um... I can control water with my hands..." "Mmmm, call the trinity seven and Arata here now ok" " yes sir" an assistant says and goes off and she says some things on the loud speaker.

We stand there in silence not knowing what to say. Then comes in 5 girls who may I say it, are very cute.  then a guy comes walking in, who seems to be on one of their nerves. "Arata!" "It wasn't my fault ok, but I have no complaints" I have the feeling he is also a pervert. The girl he was arguing with then looked at me, a moment of lust went over me but turned into fear as she started to walk towards me in a angry way " um...." she slammed her hand on the head master's desk. " who is he, we don't need another pervert" pervert! Hey only me and my friends can call me a pervert! " hey I'm not a pervert lady, also you know me as much as I know you so who are you to say I am a pervert!" Well crap I think I just got on her mega shit list. "oh, sorry, my name is lilith, and you are" here comes the lust again." My name is Asacata Zey, please to meet you" anyways we shake hands and she goes back to standing next to Arata.
"You are probably wondering why I called you here, well Asacata is your responsibility now, it is up to you eight to teach him magic" heck ya! I get the double d girl, at least I hope I do. " we barely know him and what makes him so special" " uh...I agree with the ninja girl, I don't know what is so special about me that have to be trained by, who I think are at least, the best of the best" the ninja girl looks at me and I just give a slight smile and look back at the Headmaster. "He has very powerful magic and to possesses the possibility to be a demon lord candidate" what in God's name is a demon lord candidate? I look around and everyone is shocked. I go back to how I was standing before, legs open hands behind my back." Well then I guess lessia and Arata will be great teachers" lilith said walking out of the room, ok then...what just happened!?

Anyways... Arata and levi, the ninja girl, show me around and Arata told me that Arin may sometimes be in in the guy's restroom. Anyways I take leak, and no Arin. I just go to my room and well just pass out from exhaustion.

Hey I know I haven't posted in awhile but I am trying, also the magic school book may be forgotten, I'm not sure, but the Pokémon book will continue. Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to leave comments on how I'm doing, just want to make sure the book is good for you guys and make this all worth while for all of us for the chapters to come, and don't forget to share this with others! :)))))))

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