A normal day(finally)

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                            I open my eyes "ughhh" I got up and got dressed. I grabbed a paper off my desk and shoved it in my desk, It's probably notes, no point in taken it to class. I open the door to find a package, what the... I open it up. I find a paper in the box . It's a new schedule to fit JROTC in. "second period huh, alright then, I'll put this in my bag and I guess I'll change there". I rushed to Arata's room to make sure he was awake. I got to his room and met up with Selina " oh, hey zey" "hey, you here for Arata too?" "ya, he always sleeps in" "tell me about it" I pull out a small key "you have keys to his room?!" "yep, he gave them to me to make sure he gets up on time" "oh" I open the door and find Arata still asleep "OI, get up!" I pull arata out of bed "ah, what the hell!" "hurry up and get dressed" "alright, I'll meet in class" "alright see you there" Selina and I walk to class. Our first period is history. Since the school is in japan, and most of the people here are from japan, we tend to focus on Japanese history. However we also study events all around the world of magic being used. It's how they teach us on how to fight. They have us analyze certain fights on what to do, and what not to do, and to form our own fighting styles out of it. Due to it being first period however, I end up falling asleep *some time passes* *WACK* "ow! what in sa-" I look up and see my teacher "oh, hello Mrs. Kurata" shiiiiiiiii " what were you going to say Mr. Zey, I'm curios as I've never heard of any phrase starting like that" "oh uh, nothing Ma'am" "I don't think it was nothing, going by your tone you were about to either insult someone or say a very unsavory phrase. Is that how people say good morning in America?" you bi- "No Ma'am, I wasn't going to say anything of the sorts" " Then what were you going to say then" She has always seems rather hostile to me, a lot of people have. It's either because I got a free card all the time or because of where I come from, if you know what I mean... that's not important though right now. What should I say... " I was going to say 'What in sanity's world, what was that for?' and then the name of whoever hit me" "Is that a normal phrase back home" "Depends on what part of the country you go to, we're pretty diverse. It's a pretty big nation you know" I take a quick glance at Klara and Olivia. They tend to give me the most shit for being American, they see my country as something that does what it wants and kills whoever it wants for fun. Never looking at the reasons. Whenever I say something Mrs. Kurata tells me to be quiet, but never them.  "well, I guess that makes sense, stay awake next time understand" "Of course Ma'am, it won't happen again" Fucking bitch. We go through the class and I walk to the room designated for the JROTC classes. I see two other students there already. One from Poland and one from the Philippines. "Hello there" They look at me and smile " you here for the class too?" "yep" I shook her hand "looks like we have an actual American for the American class" I look past the girl I was shaking hand with "hello there, and you are?" " Lena, Lena Kowalski" "Lena, the names Asacata Zey, but, you may call me Zey for short" "For short, but that's your last name" "Everyone tends to call me Zey so I've gotten used to it" "oh, makes sense, short" "yep, and you are?" I look back at the , Filipino girl " Tala" "Tala huh, isn't that a god or something?" "You've done your research then, Tala is the Goddess of stars" Stars eh... cool "Can't see stars too well in the cities, but back in neighborhood you could see'em pretty well" Where are you from then?" "I'm from Florida, on the west coast of Florida near Tampa" "You must go to the beach a lot then" "not really, I go during the summer sometimes, but normally I'd just go with my friends to a local pool." "Mmm, makes sense I guess" Then all of a sudden "Arata?!". Turns out the Trinity Seven decided to send him here for quote unquote 'Discipline'. "hey Zey, looks like I'm stuck here with you" he takes one quick look at the girls and almost like a dime he turns around and- "hey there ladies, whatcha doing here?" he tries to hit on them almost immediately, not surprised to be honest, seems as though his harem isn't big enough for him. Then like it was the lord himself telling him to shut up, Lilith comes around and slaps him in the back of the head "ow!" Arata holds the back of his head and then the door opens. A guy in a Uniform steps out along side a girl with the rank insignia for a Cadet Captain, just 3 silver dots side by side. "Attention!" we all stand at what we think is attention, I only remember so much of what my Brother taught me about the JROTC. The class started with our teacher talking about what we'll be doing, PT on Wednesday, and Inspection one week after we get our uniforms which will happen next week due to supply problems or something. Class ends and we get dismissed. I head off with Arata to go to science. Lilith begins our lesson from where we start, but unfortunately for me... "Now class I hope you finished your homework" oh, that's what that paper was... well then. I look at Arata panicking to come up with an excuse of why he doesn't have the homework "I look back at Arin and she immediately understands. She hands us her homework, Arata begins to copy while I put mine on some sheet paper "dude what's that gonna do?" "I'll just say my paper got wet and I was able to copy the answers on to this, just be quiet" we finish it before Lilith comes by "papers" Arata hand his and I give her the sheet "Zey, why don't you have the sheet?" "It got wet while I was studying, but I was able to get some of the answer and redid some of the questions again" "alright, it's 5 marks off for that though, be more careful next time" "Of course" She continues rambling on about some random theory or something, I probably should pay attention but I can always ask Arin for help. After me and Arata became good friends me and Arin have gotten along quite nicely, but she always looks at Arata after helping me infront of him. I'm pretty sure she's just being nice to get Arata's attention, but I don't care, it helps me. Class ends and head to the field for P.E, we do some jogs and other exercises. I do them as slowly as possible to make it harder for me. I end up almost doing just as good as Levi or Lilith as the Running and flexibility stuff, muscle wise I ended up tying with Akio. While I was doing that Arata was screwing around with Yui and Arin, Lilith came by and began yelling at him. "hey, Zey" I turn back and see Mira "yes?" "We're going out on another mission soon" oh come on! "You're going to have to learn to use that new Grimior" "Roger that, where are we going?" "We're going to somewhere in siberia" "We're going to Russia?" "You know any Russian?" " I can read the writing, don't understand it though" "good enough" she begins to walk away but then I ask "Why are we going there" "we've gotten reports of homunculi in the area" "homunculi? what in sam hell is that?" " A Humaniod like creatures, they're pretty tough as well apparently, so be careful" "Got it" I'm so fucked. We finish our few classes and me and Arata go out to get something to eat. "Man I'm so hungry" "ya same" Arata says Mira's restaurant would be nice so we go there. "Hey, maybe it'll be on the house again" " I hope so" We walk and see Mira serving drink, and also... "Hey Arata! Hey Zey" I wave and hi, Arata follows me as we walk to the table. We take a seat with Levi "what are you two doing here" "Same as you I would think, just here to get some food" "Well I'm actually here to see Mira and get some drinks, close though" Mira comes by, Arata orders Green Tea while I order Coke. We kill the time by throwing a bunch of jokes, some clean, but mostly dirty. Arata and I get our food, He ordered for Rice and Curry, I decide to take the Chum Salmon with fried shrimp on the side. Unfortunately for me it wasn't on the house this time, so me and Arata had to pay for our food. Arata, however, the cheeky bastard had no money on him, so I paid for his food. Costed me a total 5,000 yen so it wasn't too bad. I got back to my room and looked at my bed, A wave a realization came back again, I am really far from home. It hits me hard because I wonder what my dad thinks. I already told him that I was going to a new school overseas and surprisingly he was cool with it, after I told him it was free. He always said "If it's free it's for me". I sit on the bed and pull out a photo of my and my dad when I was little. I was probably about 5 or 6 in the photo, maybe 7, if so then that be 9 years since then. I fell on my bed thinking what the hell I'm doing. All of us are deploying soon, Me, Arata, and the Trinity Seven. All of us going to hunt down some random animals in Russia. Who knows what'll happen. Maybe I should study a bit of Russian before we go. I fall asleep thinking about and dream of the Siberian desert in all it's wintry hell.

Well, then, I'm Baaaack, and shitty as ever XD. I started this thing at like 7 or 8 something. And it's flipping 10:17PM rn! About to faint jesus. Anyways I hope you enjoy, again leave any comments on my writing and how I can do better, I want to make sure this is worth while for both of us :D.

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