Operation Barbarossa 2.0

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                     I wake up to chills, a couple more days till the Siberian expedition. The new JROTC program got shut down but then re-opened as the "Reserve Training Corps" the purpose of it is to allow students with high scores to participate in missions and gain valuable experience, or they can sign a waiver with all of their teachers signing it. Now, I wasn't in charge of this unit, It was a girl named May Sampson. No idea where she comes from but she looks like she came from the mid west. All I know is that she's tough as nails. I hurry and get my coat on to go downstairs to meet the Russian transfer, Svetslana, she's part of the RTC as well due to it being for all 3 academies now. I get to the lobby and find her talking to everyone "so where is this Zey person?" "I'm right here" "oh good. I've been told you can read and speak Russian?" Wait when did that happen... "um no, I never learned the whole language, I can read it however" "well that's good enough". I had been doing some training to prepare for this. I felt like a soldier preparing for some D-Day landing, making sure I don't get myself killed and everyone else. I decided for the first time to work with snow, I mean it's just really cold and solid water so how hard can it be? Actually really hard, so it's not as flexible as water so it takes more strength to use it, plus heating it up is something I don't really know how to do yet. No more camo either, the snow can cover us sure but it could kill us via hypothermia if I hold it there for too long. Now there is one plus to it, I can launch it farther and with more power for the same effort as water. That's about it, and I can block stuff better because with water I had to redirect it, with snow I can just catch it there. After talking with Svetslana we schedule it for tomorrow instead. Tomorrow I will be tasting the Russian winter hell that killed the French, Swedes, Brits, and Germans.

That morning I get up and Pray, with the money that I have I bought a self heating Jacket with hopes maybe I won't freeze to death. "Rise and shine cadets!" Who in god's name is that! Well, it was May, she was waking Lena and Tala up but also the entirety of the damn school too -_-. I go and wake Arata, bastard stayed asleep somehow. We go and get the other girls to wake up too, while they all give us problems we finally get them up, however Arata was a little saddened we couldn't barge in with them with only panties on. To be honest... that wouldn't be that bad of an idea. Now, he we are, standing in snow waiting for Mira to open a damn portal. The Jacket is working but only so well and Lena sees this and just leans over and says "it's going to be a lot worse in Siberia, trust me, this doesn't really compare to Polska's weather, let alone Siberia. So good luck" she then just goes back to where she was... laughing... motherfucker. I just kinda stood there scared as hell, Svetslana then comes over and says that we'll be leaving soon, thanks to it being early winter tho we're all good and we won't freeze to death... most likely. Hell, I can barely do 40 degrees F and we're going somewhere where it can reach 80 below... I just take my phone, write a big long text saying how much I love my mom and dad and just prepare to die. I genuinely think this is the end, I'm going to die. Then the portal opens and we start marching in, I'm told it could be anywhere from -30°F to -40°F so... that's great. Where we were standing way more north than usual so we would go in with less of a temperature shock, we were in Abashiri where it was about 22 degrees. And so... we went in, I lasted maybe 2 minutes before it was so cold I couldn't move and I practically stopped functioning. We made a tent very quickly then an igloo around it. Arata was able to make a fire and turns out I wasn't the only one hit by the cold that hard. Tala, Mira, and Lilith collapsed too. The others were struggling but managed to make something to help, Svetslana was fine of course and Lena just kinda stood there shaking, fine but she was still shaking just soldiering through it. After a bit we have to think of something new. We couldn't just sit here and freeze to death, the targets are still out there and we haven't made any distance towards it. There's really not much we can do because the 4 of us that couldn't handle it may not be able to handle it at all. We came to a conclusion that Svetlana and Lena would go out to scout then. I took control of the igloo and would start to thin the walls and leave openings here and there to begin lowering the temperature so we'd eventually get used to it to at least fight. And so that's what happened, I was told it was about 9°F in the igloo. I thinned it a little and it went to 8, I opened a small hole at the bottom and not much happened. But gradually I saw the thermometer go down, to 7, to 6, to 5, and then I thinned the wall again and it crashed straight to 0. This would go on until -30... I just hope the scouts are doing ok.

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