The New Grimoir and Memory

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Fucking finally... last week of school, hip hip hurray! Jesus... XD. Anyways, now to start the new chapter for this, I hope you enjoy!

After what happened on my first mission it became apparent I needed more training. I decided gluttony as my second Thema. So for The next 2 or 3 weeks I will be training with Akio, I mean, I guess she can be hot at times....

"HIYA" holy shit! Akio threw a kick right at my face. "OW, JESUS CHRIST ARE YOU INSANE!?" "listen here Zey, you need to learn to use the Thema gluttony, this was your choice after all"... I regret life. Lucky for me, it had rained earlier and there was now mud "Aha!" I threw some mud at her face, she couldn't see so I took the opportunity to hit her with my own kick! That was a mistake... she grabbed my leg, twisted me and then threw me. I landed and hit my head "All part of the plan..." I said gasping for air, I had landed on my back too, knocking the air out of me. "Did that really take you out? I didn't even go all in" You psychotic bi-"Nope, I'm good" I get up with only one thought... WHY THE F*** AM I TRYING TO ACT COOL INFRONT OF HER, SHE'S INSANE. I then take another look at her, right, That's why. She comes rushing at me, I decided there was no real way to win at this point, so I did me best to block... needless to say, as of now I'm in the nurses offices.

I get up "ughhh" fuck that hurts... I looked around, noticing where I was. I decided to get dressed and walked out. I looked down and looked at my grimoir thinking, why the hell am I even here? I began to question the reason for any of this. I was just a normal guy minding my business up until now, I kinda regret coming to Germany now. I looked outside the window, I could see the town off in the distance and remembered my old life. I was a normal guy visiting Germany, but while I was still in America I met a lot of friends, it was my home after all. I then remembered Golov (yes I know it's a weird name, I was bored and it's the best I had at the moment XD), he was this asshole who picked on everyone, me and him did end up fighting once, surprisingly I was able to pin him down, the fight was ended before I broke his arm. After that, we never messed with each other again. I ended up having to intervene all the time to keep the others out of trouble. Most of the time I arrived late though, they were already beaten up, all I could do was get them to the nurse. I took a trip to Germany to get away from the mess for a little bit, but also to get better at speaking german, Immersion I think is what it's called. Then, I ended up here. I didn't know if I wanted to stay or go. On one hand I want to see my old friends again, on the other,I kinda want to see where I'll end up here. Plus... I don't even know if I could get away. I decided to walk the halls before stopping. I went back to my dorm and went through my stuff. I found a small cape. Maroon color, with black roses. It was dirty and had rips here and there. It was in completed tatters. I held it up, I remembered a few old friends... I folded it back up, and remembered my glory days. However, that was for a different time, as someone knocked on my door. (You may want to pause the music as it's for the sake of the memory reading, the next part is up soon ;-;)

"be right there!" I open the door and lord behold it's Mira, you know, maybe this could be our chance  here ... "oh hey there Mira" "hey Zey, look I need your help" "ya sure, what can I do for ya" "I can't find akio anywhere, you were with her last." I was with her last? I must of not of been out for long then. "don't worry I'll help you find her." ok, so she knocked me out, then probably brought me to the nurses office... then maybe went to my dorm to wait, then got impatient and went back to the field. "I think I know where she is" "I already checked her dorm, the field, the gym, the bathrooms, and the nurses office..." shit "uh..." hmmmm.... where the hell is she...  WAIT. "There's two places you didn't check!" "where!?" "the Restaurant and the pool" "Hmmm, she may be at the pool, she would've gotten me if it she went to the Restaurant, we run it together after all" "Right, well, let's get to the pool then" we get to the front door of the pool and lord behold. "W-w-why is h-her panties here!?" I look away, now how the hell would that happen? "Mira, you go in, if there's something in there it's best you go first" "Why me!?" "Because she may be naked, and you're stronger than me" "Good point, just wait here" "right" she goes in, about 5 seconds go by of silence, what the hell... I knock, no response, I open it a little and hear some noise, splashing. Either they're drowning or screwing around. I open it and walk in. "Oh hey zey" "Oh I forgot about telling you, sorry!" I sigh "well you guys are ok, so, that's good" I give them warm smile, and to my surprise, they begin laughing, I walk out to let them play. Man... why do I want to get into a fight now -_-. (back to the memory part, back to the music!) You know, maybe this won't be too bad after all. I got cool ass powers I'm allowed to use now, there's chicks everywhere, I get to do cool shit almost everyday, and best of all, it's all free! Although a dream is lost, however, a new one is born. You know maybe not, I got 2 years, and this is an actual school... Hmmmm. I go to the office to see what this all counts for, luckily for me, it will complete the last 2 years of highschool for me. I make a request "Hey, how much do you want me to stay?" "Very much Asacata, you're a very special kid" "right, I do have a request though for me to stay now actually" "whatever I can do" "this is international right?" "yes" "meaning any program from any country can be held here, correct?" "yes, that is correct" I breath in " I want you to open a MCJROTC program here, and I want you to make me a 2nd lieutenant for it" what the f*** am I thinking?!?!?! "Very well" WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! I get up and bow "thank you sir" "I do ask why though" "It's for a dream I've had since I was in middle school" "Mmm, very well, the uniform will be here soon. However don't expect it to work out too smoothly, we haven't had stuff like this happen before mind you." "Of course, Thank you sir". HOW THIS HELL DID THAT WORK. OI, WRITER EXPLAIN (No wall breaking!) YOU JUST DID YOURSELF!!! (shit, uh, you saw nothing! Also if you want an explanation try plot armor or something XD) *sigh* good enough, now back to where we were. Right, get this done in 2 years, and maybe, maybe I can still become an officer in the USMC, I sigh slouching, I breathe in and stand tall "only time will tell though!". My childhood dream will become a reality, and in the meantime, I get to do all this. I end up smiling "ya, I got this..." I raise my hand and grab the sun setting in the distance. "Ya, I got this!"


well then that's the end of that. Oh btw I'm doing this all on my computer now so some of the stuff may look off. So ya, I'm back! time to continue whatever the hell this is now XD. I hope you enjoy, it's gonna be slow, but I promise you, there are many more chapters to come!

P.S I know there's probably typos, if u see any, comment so I can be lazy XD, thanks.

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