The Pool

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I got up having no idea what to do, along with that I have so many questions. I pull out the grimoir I got yesterday. "hey Nycka could you explain some stuff for me, like what can you do?" "Well to answer your question about what I can do, I allow you to use magic and research your thema" thema? " uh... what's a thema"
"A thema is what a mage researches their entire life, that and it allows you to use magic" " oh so how do I figure out what thema to research" " a thema is normal deprived from the opposite of your personality, as magic is based on irrational thoughts and moves, the most irrational magic to your mind is easiest to learn" OK then, I guess I have to go with the purity one then " I will say what each stand for instead of the names , lust..." nope, that is my mine set half the time "wrath, sloth, envy..." sloth maybe..."greed, gluttony, and pride or justice" yep justice! I think justice is probably the best one for me. "Well then I choose justice, now! To the library!"

While zey was fooling around like an idiot with the thema stuff

"What is so special about Asacata other than his crappy German?"

"Well you know how Arata can copy magic and lessie can steal it?"

Everyone nodded" well he can learn it, apparently he has many grimoires near him, but only one has appeared before him, we need to figure out how to get the others to appear" everyone was silent and still, Mira stepped forward " well shouldn't Arata and lessie train him then?" "Indeed they will"

Now back to zey (and if you forgot that Asacata's last name and his nickname for some) taking a detour from the library.

Man this place is huge! I decided to take a small detour and check the place out once more. I go out side and I see girls running laps. I go near the pool area which is reserved for the trinity seven and Arata and I notice a small pathway near by. I go up it and notice water running by, I run back to my room, put on swimming shorts and run back. I get up there again and there is a small pool. I take off my shirt and lay on my back in the water and just float. I start to think, why and how did I get here? What is this demon lord crap, it has demon in its name so it's probably not good. I get up and look over the pool and... there's a town! Ok, I have to go see what's down there I get up, dry myself, and put my shirt back on.

I start going up the small hill I went down to get here and when I got to the top I tripped, I stumbled down but my face hit something soft. And all of a sudden " ZEY!" Crap it's lilith! I had fallen face first into her chest, " Oh my god lilith, I am soooo sorry I tripped and I didn't know you were there" "that better be true and how did you know about this place?" "Well I was walking near the pool when I noticed a pathway and I came here and relaxed for a little bit, then I saw a town down there so I wanted to go check it and then... this happened" after that she understood it all, she offered to take me down there to change my Euros into yen, I didn't have a lot but I had some.

We get to the transfer thing and there are five lines, the first two are American, as expected. The third for the U.K and the fourth for France, and they were very long! The last one had almost no one in, and guess what it was... Germany! I used my terrible German speaking skills, and some how know enough to get the stuff transferred for Euros to yen." Well then, you speak German pretty well" " and I'm also learning greek" born in a Spanish country, adopted into a family in America and raised in a Greek family, what did you expect? Lilith gives me a full tour of the town " hey lilith any nice places here we can eat at?" I was starving! I didn't even eat breakfast and it was 1 in the afternoon, lilith's stomach growls at the comment as well as mine" I know a place not far from here, follow me" we go to this reeeeaally, and I mean really fancy place " uh lilith" "ya?" " I only have like 443,000 yen" the yen is a penny so 100 yen is the same as 1 dollar so I have only 4,430 dollars in Japanese money." Don't worry I got this" crap, what does she mean by that!? We walk in and standing right there was..." Mira!?" Yep it was Mira in a maid outfit, and she looks pretty good." Why are two here?" Said Akio as she came out from the kitchen thing, I think it's still called a kitchen in restaurant right? Or am I missing something?" Well zey wanted to see the town so I decided to show him around" " ok then, Mira could you show them to their seats " "ok" Mira said reluctantly as she showed us to our seats. We ate and when Akio told us it was free and not 70,000 yen. Thank god for Akio! We go back to the academy and I fall face first in my pillow and I was putting on boxers when all of a sudden..." hey Zey since you picked surperbia I thought I cou... Oh my god!" Mira had walked In on me changing, and so did Akio... lilith...Arata.... you get the gist. I pull up my boxers fast so no one sees it. "Uh could you have at least knocked first?" "Well let's just drop it, since you picked surperbia, Arata and Mira will be teaching you" " oh, OK then" they leave my room and I go straight to sleep.

OK then... that ending was unexpected, but it happened to Mira so it was right for her to be on the receiving end this time. If you want to know what your thema is then take my test on, search SHADOW69X and I will come up and you can take my test for it! Hope you enjoyed and part 3 will come out soon!

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