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     After what happened on my first mission it became apparent I needed more training. I decided gluttony as my second Thema. So for The next 2 or 3 weeks I will be training with Akio, I mean, I guess she can be hot at times....

Akio: hiya!

By the way I think this way of writing is a bit better as it makes it easier to tell whose talking.

Zey: (nope ain't hot now!) OW! Jess Christ do we need to do this!?

Akio: yes, you must get used to the power you possess now to help others!

Zey: (I didn't ask for this...) well then eat mud!

Akio made the mistake of training right after it rained giving me a major advantage. Now that I can control mud now, time to get dirty! Wait... not like that...

Akio: aghh!

Zey: upper cut bi-(nope we lose all chances).

Ok I'm back after what? 2-3 month? anyways I just looked at this format and it's going to be living hell to work with so.... NOPE I will return to writing this soon. In the mean while. Enjoy this small peak at what's next to come. P.S, I'm making a new book, so for all those attack on titan fans, go check it out. Anyways, screw this format, back to the old on!

Holy crap, I got distracted again.... AGAIN. I am so so sorry, well. Lucky for us the school year, for me anyways, is going to be ending soon, so I'll be able to write more. I'll have the next chapter out in about 2-7 days due to testing and studying and all that. I'll do my best to get these chapters out better, again, sorry. I'll be back soon ;)

Alright this is coming from 8/30/18 and I'm doing homework last minute, BUT, that's not the point! Point is that this thing may get bogged down because we're at 900+ reads, which is nice and all but please, share this to others so we can reach 1k readers soon, thank you always and enjoy the rest of the story! :)))))

Trinity Seven: a new mage and a new storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang