Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"What?" Kendall and I said at the same time.

"The missile that almost hit you two, it was sent by someone who saw you two together, a fairy and a vampire together. Do you know what this will cause?"

"You don't want us together?" Kendall asked.

"No one does." Vincent responded. My mom shook her head.

"I'm not saying that. I want my daughter to be happy and you seem to make her that way. You two can and should be together. But some people disagree. They’re going to do whatever it takes to remove the threat." She was talking really fast. I could tell she was scared.

"The threat of what?" I asked. Vincent was the one to answer.

"The threat of a fairy-vampire hybrid." He said. He sounded different than he did earlier. His voice was full of anger before, now he sounded defeated or perhaps tired like he wanted to sleep until this was over. Silence filled the room.

"So they want us to stay away from each other." Kendall concluded. His voice was just as hopeless as Vincent's.

"Honestly, I don't know what they want." My mom's voice was tired too.

"Who are they?" I asked. I felt light headed again but not because I over worked my body, but because I was overworking my brain.

"No one really knows."

"How do they know about us?" Kendall chimed in. He had away from the table and was standing next to me. I took his hand in mine. We exchanged worried glances.

"Because...." She broke off and looked from us.

Because what?" I demanded.

"Because, Vivian, your father could be one of them." She admitted. I stumbled backwards almost hitting my head on a picture frame. Kendall grabbed my arm to steady me.

"My father." I repeated with disbelief. She nodded with a tortured expression.

"Are they all fairies?" Kendall asked.

"No, we don't know what they are. They could be vampires too."

Kendall helped me into a chair. My mom got me a glass of water. Even Vincent asked if there was anything he could do. I shook my head. My dad could be working with the people who wanted to keep fairies and vampires in bounds. The people that are clearly angry at us. What were they planning to do? Break me and Kendall apart forever? Or worse yet, would they kill us?

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