Period 0: The Propostion

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In which a boy's overly concerned and meddlesome friends make a deal that will most definitely ruin his life. Unless it doesn't.



All Jungkook needed to do was take one look at the conspiring smirks on his two friends' faces, and he immediately knew without a doubt:

his day was screwed.

The high school first year had only just walked into the school building, and already those idiots were standing in the middle of the hall, posed in the most cliché fashion as if they'd been waiting for him all morning. Which, knowing them, they probably had been.

Make no mistake; he never claimed that these people were sane.

To do so would only confirm that he's anything but.

His only consolation for associating with them was the honest excuse that they hadn't been this weird when he first met them. But now, there was Park Jimin, one arm splayed out at his side, the other raised with his finger to his lip, eye closed in a cheeky wink. This stance was already unnatural enough, but the boy being in a full split took it to new realms of "extra." Beside him was Kim Taehyung, raising a V-sign with a glinting grin. He kept jumping in the air and shouting "freeze frame," as if that would actually make him freeze in mid-air.

Unsurprisingly, the eyes of many passing students made their way to the small, strange spectacle. Everyone was wise enough to give them wide berth, but that doesn't mean they didn't stop to stare from a safe distance.

Maybe I can just walk past them and no one will notice—

Wishful thinking.

Not a moment after the optimistic hope had filled his head, Jungkook gaped in horror as his worst fear came to fruition and Taehyung called, mid-jump, "HI JEON JUNGKOOK! WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOREVER FOR YOU TO SHOW UP!"

All eyes suddenly turned to him. A group of girls only a few feet away began to titter like birds, their whispers and glances causing the poor boy's face to flush a bright red. One of them was even brash enough to wave her fingers and wink at him. And that's when Jungkook lost it.


Not caring whether he was being rude to Jimin and Taehyung, he ducked his head, shoulders hunched all the way to his ears, and speed-walked through the congested hall traffic faster than his seagull legs dreamed of carrying him.

The stern voice of Jimin followed behind him. "Jungkookie, come back!"

His order only made the younger boy rush faster. To avoid making unnecessary eye contact, Jungkook kept his eyes on the linoleum floor, his bag bouncing against his side from the force of his rapid footfalls. Only the desperate thought of escape echoed in his mind, with the unmistakable sounds of his friends' footsteps chasing his. Whatever thoughts that had been behind their secretive smiles couldn't be anything but trouble. And Jungkook would get away from those sadistic smirks if it was the last thing he did.

Little did he know, running away probably would be the last thing he did.

Since his head was down, there was nothing stopping him from mowing blindly into an unwitting bystander.

Which is exactly what happened.

Jungkook's whole world blacked out when he hit the floor, his head snapping backwards after catching the full impact of whatever it had just hit. Several painful and dizzying moments passed before he was able to regain his bearings. The world was blurry, a familiar weight absent from his nose. His glasses must've fallen.

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